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Harry could hear uncle Vernon's complaints as the floor shook with each step the oaf took. Harry despised his uncle, aunt and cousin if that was not already obvious, but right now he was in a reasonably good mood from Dudley's injury so he simply brushed of the dust that fell from the wooden planks of the stairs each step that his uncle took. Some days he would wake caked in the stuff. You would think there wouldn't be much dust left after years of this but recently the Pig (Dudley) had taken to collecting it out of the vacuum cleaner and covering the inside of the cupboard in it with a paintbrush.

It annoyed Harry to no end when his skin and hair got covered in the stuff. He tried to keep clean as best he could but the Pigs antics made that almost impossible sometimes.

The front door opened soundlessly but Harry could just somehow tell it was open. A few moments of silence followed before uncle Vernon exploded into a rant at the apparent stranger about the way he was dressed and manners when coming to another's house, such as telling them beforehand. After about 15 seconds of this a booming voice cut of Vernon and demanded to be let in, at Vernon's splutters the stranger pushed themselves inside and went to the living room.

Next the voice resounded through the house asking after Harry himself and demanding to meet with him. After a couple of seconds Harry heard his uncles' heavy footsteps coming to the front of his cupboard, one look at Ouro and the snake slithered round his wrist and back into his pocket where he was hidden from view. Just then the cupboard door was thrown open and Vernon throw an arm in grabbing Harry by his messy locks and dragging him as roughly from the small space as possible.

Harry was dragged to the door of the living room as roughly as he could. Harry refused to cry out at the treatment, even though he felt sever pain. His whale of an uncle released him at the door and pushed him inside to see the giant sitting on their buckling settee with a patchwork coat and ridiculous amount of hair covering every everything but his beetle black eyes.

The giant of a man smiled at Harry and beckoned him over to sit beside him. Meanwhile all this was happening Ouro had exited the pocket in such a way that Vernon had not seen him and had proceeded to travel up Harry's torso until he was wrapped gently around the base of Harry's neck so that he could whisper to Harry without anyone noticing. His first words were a warning. "Masssster do not trust this man he is close to the Light Lord Dumbledore and is his loyal servant. He has probably been sent to act as one of your savours to try and sway you to the light. He is not to be trusted under any circumstances."

Harry mulled over this information before tuning into the Giants ramblings. "...great man that Dumbledore, great man. So, as I was saying Professor Dumbledore sent me here to take you to Diagon alley to get your school supplies for September. Can't have you going to school in September without them, now can we? So, Although Albus is really your legal guardian he has given me your key to let you extract what you need but more about that later. Firs' let's get you to Diagon alley."

With that the giant got up and moved to the door his coat emitting a foul odour as he moved. Harry sighed internally and moved to the door after the man.

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