Diagon alley

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Hagrid had taken up two seats on the train into the centre of London and it had been quite mortifying and unnerving to be stared at like that. But most of all Harry didn't like the way that Hagrid was treating him, it was like he was three years in his eyes and it did not sit well with Harry, he had always loathed being treated in a disrespectful and patronising manner as if he was too stupid to look after himself. It was not that he disliked attention (the good kind) and was upset at being talked to in the way that Hagrid was speaking to him, it was as it the oaf thought him incapable of functioning on his own.

Eventually they turned up at a pub called the Leaky Cauldron who's façade was made of dark coloured peeling paint and mucky windows that screamed neglect. The place seemed disserted save for the sound that was leaking out from under the door along with a warm gold coloured light that hugged the paving stones.

Hagrid moved to open the door and another waft of that smell, Harry had by now identified as sweat, raw meat and drooping's, hit him in the face. 

On the way over Hagrid had mentioned that he was the grounds keeper for Hogwarts and lived in a hut on the grounds. While this explained the smell and coat, Harry had to wonder why Dumbledore would let one of his loyal servants live like that. But Hagrid didn't really matter to him in the long run, Harry just needed his help till he was stable in this new world. After that he would avoid the man just as Ouro had advised. He had begun to really trust the little snake that was asleep around his neck.

Harry walked into the pub after Hagrid and was immediately struck by the smell of alcohol and food that permeated even the ceiling. It was clear that this place had been open for a substantial amount of time and by the looks of the crowd it wasn't closing any time soon. As Harry walked in he heard people call out to Hagrid and ask after what he was doing walking around with Harry. There was a distinct "Oi!" from the crowd that caught their attention. 

"huh?" Hagrid looked around for the source of the noise" 'ho said tha' ? "

"It's been a while Hagrid! How ya been? " asked a short portly man with an odd crinkly mustache. 

"Harold! " the great oaf roared, without any need as Harold was directly in front of him. 

"I haven't seen you in a long time. " Harold said reaching up to shake hands," How goes Hogwarts? "

"Same old, same old. Dumbledore, great man, has let me take on extra responsibilities!" 

Harold looked a little concerned, which confused Harry. 

"Are you getting paid?" the short man inquired. 

'ah' thought Harry, 'there it is'. 

"Not for the extra work, I'm jus' 'appy to help out, he's been so good to me." Hagrid replied, oblivious to the looks from Harry and Harold who were both eyeing his shabby clothes and poor hygiene. 

"I see, and who is this?" Harold asked. 

"Oh professor Dumbledore trusted me to escort you d Harry Potter to get his school supplies!" Hagrid boasted as he puffed out his chest with pride. 

And then the customers swarmed up and around Harry telling him how they admired him and touching him without permission no matter how murderous Harry began to look.

Ouro saw Harry's face, as he woke up at the surge of sound in the room, he began to laugh quietly at the way Harry was beginning to look. He then nuzzled back into Harrys neck before falling back into his stupor. However, as Harry became absolutely furious Ouro opened his eyes and asked in a quiet voice "Master do you want me to bite them? I could poissson them for you. Kill them if you wanted, just say ssso and I will do it."

"No Ouro not them, besides I don't even know what your venom does and I need to learn my way around." Their whole conversation was quiet enough that the patrons of the Leaky Cauldron could not hear them over their own noise. 

Just then Hagrid came to his rescue and pulled him out of the throng of people towards the backdoor. Soon Harry was out and into Diagon alley.

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