His First Christmas Part 2

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Thank you everyone for all the amazing comments, I really appreciate you all so much. Here is the next chapter, I hope you like it.



He opens the his first present which was from the two older Malfoys, inside was a seal on a pendent that was supposed to hang around the neck.

"My young Lord, please wear this, it is to show that you are considered part of the family and it will afford you all the privileges of being a pure blood. For example, if you were to find yourself out of money for transport or lodgings the you would be able to use the pendent to make a transaction, it also serves as credentials, so it can get you in places you were unable to reach before. Additionally, it is charmed so only you can remove it." Mrs Malfoy explained.

Smiling Harry put it on, it sat just above his heart, next was Ron's present for him. He pulled off the wrapping paper and inside he found a book on the Chudley Cannons, Ron's favourite Quidditch team. Draco had gotten him new ingredients for his potions kit, there were some very rare ones that must cost more than an average wizard makes in a week.

The Elder Malfoys had gotten him a huge amount of sweets, Harry estimated that it would take him a few weeks to finish them all off. Suddenly Hermione was led into the room by Dobby who seemed cowed by the gazes of all the people in the room. Her arms were laden with presents to give out.

"Hello, my name is Hermione Granger, thank you for having me here for the holidays." She said to the room, but it was quite clearly directed to Mrs and Mr Malfoy, they gave her a very cold look and stayed silent. Harry Draco and Ron however all waved her over and each gave her a hug as she sat down on the floor with them. She pulled the strap of her bag of her shoulder and opened it up, pulling out the last gift then passed them out, she had gotten Draco and Ron chocolate, To Harry she passed a broom care kit.

Opening up the set Harry looked up at her with a massive grin, she smiled back at him as Ron grabbed her attention to show her a chocolate frog card. Just then there was a massive increase in magic power and suddenly there was Tom standing in the middle of the room.

He looked around and smiled slightly when he saw Harry, eyes warming up a bit. He walked over to a chair and sat down gracefully. His eyes landed on Ron who immediately began to get nervous and fidget a bit. "Who are you?"

"My name is Ron. My Lord" Ron said a bit shakily.

"A Weasly?" Voldemort asked.

"Yes, my Lord."

"Aren't your family loyal to Dumbledore?"

"No, my lord, not all of us. My father, Fred, George, Bill and I are not loyal to Dumbledore but due to the circumstances we have been unable to distance ourselves from him." Ron answered.

"Your family was known for its unique and ancient magic; do you know any of it?" Voldemort asked.

"No, because of my mum and Dumbledore we haven't been able to learn any of it. My lord, I would love the chance to serve you, as would some of my family. We have talked in private and on top of our services we want to offer the use of Weasly manor."

"Your services would be a big asset but how would we be able to make use of them with Dumbledore so close to your family?" Voldemort probed.

"My Lord, we don't know but it is all we can offer."

Voldemort sat there and scrutinised Ron for a minute before nodding to him "Yes it would be appreciated, I have already noted your help with Harry."

Ron bowed and with a hint from Draco and kissed the bottom of Voldemort's robes. He was smiling, looking really exited as he sat back down in his spot.

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