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I think this song suites Harry, what do you think? The next chapter will be longer, promise! XD


Walking into the classroom after dark was a whole new experience for the four of the, all the reasonably innocent looking animals that had been lining the walls suddenly seemed much more intimidating and threatening. The other three trailed behind Harry as he walked into the room, he looked around himself searching for the professor(s), making do with what he had at Hogwarts Harry had been teaching Ron, Draco, Hermione, Crabbe and Goyle the basics of hand to hand combat. To be honest the lack of a proper fight was starting to drive him mad, but this small amount of training meant that the other three with him had encircled him protectively once inside, remembering themselves.

As they walked in the dim lights suddenly flared and the candles burnt brighter, the door that lead to the professor's office opened with a creak and Quirrell, followed by Snape, made his way down to the four. Looking between Hermione and Draco he spotted Harry and beckoned them all over to the front of the classroom, the door slamming shut behind them.

It was warmer at the front of the room, there was a fire burning in the grate, they all sat down together around the two of the tables dragged together. Harry was opposite Quirrell and Had the other three sitting to his right, Quirrell had Snape to his left.

"Yes Professor, what did you want to show me?" Harry politely as he looked down at his feet, it still made him uncomfortable when Snape kissed the bottom of his robes. Ouro peaked his little head out of Harry's collar and slithered down his arm onto the table. Having Ouro in case the plan went wrong the only reason the little snake had left the bedroom, before Harry had entered the grand hall he had made a detour back to go get him. Incidentally on Ouros pillow he had found a collection of rather small oil black scales, he had collected them remembering what Ouro had told him and they were now safe in this trunk.

"Well Harry, this is a bit difficult." Quirrell said as he looked straight into the avada kedavra green eyes. "You are aware that our Dark Lord doesn't have a body of his own at the moment?" With a nod from Harry he continued "Well, he needs a host to stay stable and avoid a horrible fate," He takes a deep breath, "well, I'm that host."

Harry blinked a couple times just staring at the man in front of him before it clicked in his mind, If Quirrell is the host then Tom must be here as well, "You're the host?"

"Yes, Harry I..."

"He's here then?" Harry asked in a hushed voice staring at the man in front of him, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of Tom.

"Yes, little one, I'm here." Tom said, his voice emanating from the professor. Harry was shocked but a huge smile soon spread across his face and he saw Quirrell's eyes momentarily flash a brilliant red.

"So, can we speak face to face then?" Harry asked childishly as a grin almost broke his face.

"Sorry little snake but this is the best I am going to offer." Said Tom, "I don't want you to see my condition right now." Harry looked down at his feet suddenly feeling really sad, it was as if Tom didn't want to see him. The obsidian black smoke wafted past Harry again and he felt the familiar presence in him mind. "Oh, don't be sad Harry, I do want to see you, I just don't want you to see me like this. I don't look good." Harry felt the presence in the back of his mind become comforting and warm, it was like a mental hug. He imagined that that is the way a parent's hug would feel like.

He looked up with a crooked grin, "So what's the secret?" He asked making Voldemort laugh.

"How about I tell you once you get the stone for me?" He offered, suddenly there was a crash right outside the classroom door, Harry and his friends rushed out into the corridor, they all had their wands at the ready.

Ron, Hermione and Draco had circled in front of Harry and the worst curse they knew was hovering on the tip of their tongues, Snape and Quirrell shared a look and Quirrell said "You four go down to the dungeons and we will take care of this." Before he and Snape walked of down the corridor towards the noise of screaming. As Harry and his gang turned to the moving stairs they heard a crash and saw the troll jump from the floor above them down to the entrance of the dungeons, blocking their way.

As one Draco, Ron, Hermione and Harry raised their wands and waited. Slowly the Troll turned 'round and looked in their direction, it let out a deafening roar and charged at the four. Harry was the quickest but the others soon followed, they all yelled the first spell that came to mind. Ron levitated its club Draco knocked it to its knees and Hermione put up a shield. Harry cast in Parsletongue, the spell hit the Troll and it started writhing in pain unable to let out a single sound before it collapsed. It was designed so that there would be no evidence of what spell was used or who did it.

They each shared a look and ran off down the corridor towards their common room, behind them Quirrell had just rushed 'round the corner and had seen everything. His eyes flashed red and a proud smile broke out, "50 points to Slytherin." He whispered before back tracking and then pretending to stumble onto the incapacitated troll.

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