Flying and Homework with Plots

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Waking up the next day Harry grabbed his robes and jumped up.

"Draco, Ron, Get up!" He yelled gripping their sheets and pulling them off the two sleeping boys.

"Ugh, Harry it's so early." Ron groaned pushing his face into his pillows.

Moving over towards Draco, who had been trying to get his sheets back, Harry picked up his Nimbus 2000. Slowly the other two got up and pulled on their robes, once they were all dressed they left their room and were waiting in the common room for Hermione. Ouro had curled himself back around Harry neck. He was getting bigger by the day, he was able to bite his own tail when curled like this and continued to grow. Harry had fed him another mouse from a new packet and he was contentedly watching what was happening.

Having arrived outside they all ran toward the quidditch pitch, there weren't any teams practicing.

"Hey who has the quaffle?" Asked Hermione as she moved to the centre of the pitch.

"Err..." Ron started looking around before spotting Crabbe and Goyle who were lagging behind. They were carrying a crate between them. "They do, I saw them pick the crate up when we were getting the brooms from the store room."

Soon they were set up; Harry, Draco and Goyle on one team with Hermione, Ron and Crabbe on the other. They were going to play three on three and soon everyone was in position. On the count to three they soured up into the air, Harry again feeling exhilaration at the wind rushing through his raven locks as he pushed up away from the ground watching as his friends climbed up into the sky next to him, Ouro peaking his head over the top of Harry's collar watching the clouds rush by. When they were level Ron levitated the quaffle and shot it high into the air, then the game started. Hermione scored the first goal by strategizing with Ron beforehand, she broke past Goyle and ducked under Draco before scoring a goal in the centre hoop. Next was a goal by Harry as he shot straight past Crabbe and threw it through the right hoop. Unwittingly Crabbe and Goyle became goal keepers as the other four fought it out centre field, Draco, discovering his natural talent as a chaser, and Ron were fighting it out over the quaffed, near the goals. As Draco pulled away and took the shot Ron dived in front and caught it then when he threw it to Hermione it over shot causing a chase between Harry and Hermione to incur. Harry was the better seeker, but Hermione was keeping up well.

The two teams scored goals as well as each other and defended as well as each other, eventually it had to come to a tie break, they pitted Crabbe against Goyle and it was no holds barred, in other words; anything goes. The two boys fought valiantly as they kicked and punched their way across the sky, after a long while it was Crabbe who scored the winning goal. Ron Hermione and Crabbe were the winners with 51 points to 50, it was getting on in the day, so they put the brooms back and went back inside. As they made their way down to the dungeons they called out to a "house elf" when one appeared they ordered it to get them food after Hermione asked its name.

Soon they had stowed away Harry's broom after reaching the boys room, Hermione went to collect her work and books as the other got out their things and they all began to work on astronomy together. Soon there were charts strewn All over the floor and it was Ron's time to shine he said it was something to do with the magic of his family but the stars spoke to him, so he knew them, and their children; the planets and moons, all by name.

At some point Ouro had slithered of having gotten bored of the human's antics, the flying was fun but homework, not so much. He would have to ask Hedwig for a lift sometime, provided she forgave him for the other day.

Soon it was the end of the day, so they needed to make a plan soon, they would be too busy with homework, lessons and exams soon to be able to do it.

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