Hogwarts and Blood

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Harry stood back whilst Petunia inspected his work, once she had deemed it acceptable he was allowed in. As soon as Harry made it inside he went and sat at the table waiting for his measly scraps of food that substituted lunch when the front door was flung open and Dudley flew in screaming in pain. 

It appeared that while Dudley had been beating up a local kid he had stepped back at tripped over a root and cut his leg badly. It was deep and looked extremely painful. Harry knew he had to leave the room now or risk being blamed for the cut no matter how impossible it would have been for him to cause the injury to the pig. 

As Harry got up to leave he found himself smiling at the thought of Dudley in pain, he spotted Ouro looking at him in understanding from just inside his trouser pocket. Harry turned around for one last look trying not to let his amusement show lest he be severely punished and left.

When he got back to his cupboard he remembered his letter that was hidden under his top. A shaft of light hitting its top left corner as Harry moved from the door further in, he set Ouro gently down on the bed and pulled the envelope out.

Ouro slithered up from behind and curled himself up on Harry's wrist as Harry turned over the letter. Ouro tapped the end of his tail against the seal of a lion, badger, eagle and snake, telling Harry without words to open the letter and read.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School for witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the 31st of July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress.

"Ouro what does she mean by await your owl?" Harry asked the small snake on his arm as he stared, puzzled, at the letter.

"Owls are the standard form of communication in the wizarding world, you write a letter and the owl will deliver it to the recipient. They are fast and don't need directions Master." Ouro said as Harry looked over the piece of paper nestled in behind the Deputy headmistresses' letter.

"What is she like Ouro?"



"Master, she is a light wizard and is therefore responsible for you being locked up here with these muggles, non-magic people. Do not trust any of the light wizards, they are trying to squash the magic out of you and if that does not work then they will just simply kill you. I am sorry Master but I cannot tell you why this is. It is not my place to tell you. But you will find out, I promise."

"Okay. But Ouro how will I get my books and school supplies? I have no money. And how will I get to the train?"

"Your late parents had a fortune to their name despite the house they lived in and that is now yours. The school is run by the leader of the light Albus Dumbledore, he is the reason you are here so he will know about your predicament and will most likely send a teacher to collect you. Probably one of his most loyal and obedient in a bid to not only make himself seem your saviour from this hell hole but also that the teacher will sway you to the light side so they can control you more and manipulate you into fighting for them."

"How do you know so much Ouro?"

"I listen master"

"Thank you for the information. You never did tell me what type of snake you are."

"I am part of a magical species called the Nigrum mortem. Our venom is incredibly potent one bite is ensured death without the cure which can only come from the same snake, we grow to about 12 to 15 feet long. When I am fully grown, I will be the same size as Aunt Nagini, our scales and venom are extremely useful in potion brewing as they hold more magic per gram than any other ingredient. They are often added to enhance the power of any potion after being mixed with something to counteract the poisonous qualities. Our venom is favoured in dark potions and the scales ordinary or light potions. We do not lose scales often or like other snakes, normally they will tend to fall off on their own one by one. Nagini's master has had to punish his servants severely for trying to take just one of her scales. They are so expensive the one scale will cost 30 galleons and they are slow to come off. Venom costs 28 galleons, it is not limited by time but whether they can hold us down long enough without dying. Nagini also performs a special task for her master that I will hope to one day be able to carry out for you but I cannot tell you what that is just yet. Is that enough Master?"

"Yes Ouro, that is very detailed I appreciate it. Thank you. Just promise not to bite me." Said Harry massaging his forehead through his raven hair as he tried to take it all in. Before Ouro could answer there was a banging at the front door. 

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