The Weasleys

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10 minutes later Draco had finished his lecture on Quidditch and Harry'd asked him about anything he didn't understand.

Their robes were almost fitted when Harry noticed a group of redheads walk by, the youngest boy gave of a strong magical aura. Harry saw, his eyes gaining the hue of avada kedavera green and blood red again, a black mist swirling around the boy as he walked past, there was a sliver of silver intertwined with the dark. His power was unlike the rest of his families, they all had relatively small clouds of a yellowy pale gold surrounding them. By relatively small, it is to say that they were a 6th the size of the youngest and a tenth the size of Harry's. This boy intrigued him and he turned to ask Draco about him, He noted that Draco's cloud was smaller than his own by a f bit but still much bigger than most. "Draco who is that boy at the back, the one with red hair?"

Draco looked over at the family and sneered at them, " He is the youngest son of the blood traitor family the Weasleys. Why?"

"What is a blood traitor?"

"They are people who do not understand the difference between Wizards and Muggles and how Wizards are just simply better then Muggles, they are people who don't honor or follow the same practices and other wizards do. It's a disgrace to be named one."

"Is there any way for someone to lose this brand?"

"Yes, the wizard would simply have to renounce the beliefs that either they or their family hold and show loyalty to the beliefs of wizarding families considered pure. Again why?"

"The youngest son, I'm interested in him."

Just then madam Malkin came over and told them that they had been fitted and their robes made and ready for collection. The two paid and left the shop. Outside Draco's family were waiting for him, when Harry introduced himself they acted hostile and cold, seeming to have a problem with the young boy they had only just met. That was until Draco whispered something about Slytherin and aptitude for the dark, afterwards they became a lot warmer and offered to let Harry stay with them for the remainder of the summer till school started.

Ouro cut in here and whispered to Harry that they are a family loyal to the mystery man and that he will be safest there with the Malfoys. After an in-depth conversation about wizarding law it was proven to Harry it was okay for him to do so and he gratefully accepted the offer. Draco's parents gave Draco the rest of the day in Diagon alley with Harry to have some fun, they would take the shopping back home and get Harry's room ready.They seemed to rush off in a hurry, whispering to one-another about a report of some kind, worry and glee flashing over their faces as they apperated away.

 Because Harry still needing to get his wand, He and Draco set off for Olivander's Wand shop. There were two people in front of Harry in the queue and Harry's luck held out, the one right in front of them was no other than then the Weasley he desperately wanted to meet just an hour ago.

The girl in front of him was a difficult customer so they would have around 10 minutes or more. A woman was yelling at the boy about breaking his brother's wand and how they would now have to buy him his own one. Within a few minutes, she left and Harry turned to the boy. "Hi, my name is Harry potter and this is Draco Malfoy nice to meet you Mister Weasley." At this he got an incredulous look from Draco and an astonished look from Weasley. "Hello, nice to meet you but please just call me Ron. Sorry for all shouting, I just wasn't about to go to Hogwarts with my older brother's old wand. it would have been mortifying." Ron stated rather loudly in the quiet, musty room.

Harry smiled gently at Ron's indignation and glanced at the clock in the corner of the room, Hagrid won't be back for another 30 minutes or so, good. "Ron, I can't help but notice that your magic is different from your family's and I think you would fit in with me and Draco a little better for company. Plus, I would like us to be friends." With a sharp look over his shoulder at Draco he continued "All of us. You are special, more so then your family and I think that if Draco would open up he will see that too."

Draco started, and after a full minuet of grumbling under his breath he looked at Ron and said "I am opposed to this simply because you come from a family of blood traitors, however I trust Harry and his judgement. Not only has he shown that he is different from the public opinion but my Lord has sent out a message concerning him and who he is to me, my family and our fellows. I've haven't spent much time with him but I do trust him, so I am willing to give you a chance."

It was a long speech, and a bit flowery but Draco had made his point. Ron nodded to Draco and turned to and said "It would be amazing to be friends with you. How long are you staying in the alley? Because if you have a while I want to get to know you both, I want to be friends with you and I need to get to get to know you for that to happen!" Ron said with a big smile on his face. Just then Ron was called up to get his wand, Harry was up next.

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