Knockturn alley

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Ron was the first to notice something was wrong with their surroundings, Draco had dragged him into an argument about their favourite quiditch team and was winning. Harry was watching them intently with a big grin on his face while listening to Ouro's snores so didn't pick up the change. It was when Ron turned away in a huff he noticed a shop he hadn't seen before, startled he began to look around them with worry. Harry noticed the change and looked at the street they were currently wandering down with interest. "This doesn't look like Diagon alley." he said in a carefree voice "Maybe we should turn back."

Draco was now looking around apprehensively, as if looking out for an incoming attack. "Guys I think we have walked into Knockturn alley. We need to get out of here."

Harry looked between his two worried friends and asked "Why?"

They both turned to give Harry identical incredulous, stunned looks. It was Draco that spoke up first "We're in Knockturn alley, I have never been here without my parents and I won't until I am of age. We will get attacked and beaten up for sure. They will take everything we have on us or just kill us."

That sounded almost fun to Harry, a chance for a fight. He had been itching. He usually got his fix every weekday but had missed today due to being taken to the wizarding world and away from his lessons. He would have to send his teacher letters about his new arrangement and work out a way to meet up with them in the future. But for now, this would have to do. With a sinister grin, he looked around himself and prepared for a fight, a spark in his eye.

The other two noticed his change in mood and looked at each other in yet more confusion. "Is that so? Well then I think I will stick around a little longer, hey look at that shop over there we should go check it out." Harry said with a small smirk and set off towards Borgin and Burkes on the other end of the street.

Draco and Ron were exchanging nervous glances and looking around at every dark corner, nook and cranny they passed along the way to the shop. Half way there Harry's senses picked up movement and he turned to see a shape move towards them from the shadows of a small alley way in the corner of the street. It was a wizard. They were advancing with their arm outstretched and obviously waiting to strike for dramatic effect. Harry almost winced, this is the best he could find. The man was a joke, he could hardly be called a fighter and waiting for Harry to make the first move is just the high of stupidity. With a small chuckle that sent shivers down Ron and Draco's backs he began to walk forwards towards his target.

Even though the fight would be a joke he was still careful assessing all the other's movements and staying light on his feet ready to move. The man spoke up in a hoarse voice " Oi kid, you know where you are? It was stupid to go wandering of on you own like that. Now you three are mine." He said the last bit of the sentence with a resounding note of glee in his voice that made Draco reach for his wand even though he couldn't use it. and Ron ready himself for a fight. Harry simply turned to his friends and smiled "I'll take care of this, just stay back 'kay?" It was a question but he obviously didn't want no for an answer and for some reason the other two couldn't say no to Harry they were already attached to him as a friend and loyal. They just nodded and stepped back.

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