Hogwarts and Holidays

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Sorry I had to pull this chapter immediately, I wasn't happy with the first version.


"Hey Harry." Said Ron

"Harry, I saw you perform the ritual, you were amazing!" Draco exclaimed.

"Wish we could have been there, we managed to hold them off saying that Ron had been attacked, they were too busy fussing with him for a bit to rush down to investigate. They also had to wait for Snape to get the right potions to let them walk through both fires, and they took some time brewing." Hermione informed Harry.

"Dumbledore, Snape and madam Pomfery have all been through here, Dumbledore will obviously know you're awake by now and will be on his way here." Ron said as he sifted through Harry's presents, he pulled out a pot of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans.

"They'll want to talk to you about this." Draco said worried a bit, "So we need to get our story straight."

"Okay well how about Quirrell was there? He used me to get the stone and then knocked Draco and I out. He's dead now so it should hold up, and I'm sure that Our Lord has people out there who can make it seem real." Harry suggested.

"Yeah that seems plausible." Hermione said thinking it over.

Just then the doors to the hospital ward flew open and Dumbledore swept in.

"Ron, Hermione, Draco why don't you give me and Harry here a moment to talk?" He asked in his fatherly voice that sent chills down Harry's spine.

"Yes sir." they all said as they walked away reluctantly. Draco went back to his bed but couldn't help sending Dumbledore the evil eyes as he walked away.

"So Harry," Dumbledore started with as he closed the curtains around Harry's bed with a wave of his wand. "What happened down there?"

"It was all a bit of a rush sir, I don't have much to tell you. Quirrell had beaten us down there and when he saw us in the mirror I saw that Voldemort was on the back of his head. Voldemort told him to use me, so they bound my body after knocking Draco out and I got the stone out of the mirror for them. I didn't want to, honestly sir but I couldn't stop them. Once they had it they knocked me out and I woke up here." Harry replied, he tried to make it convincing. He avoided eye contact and made sure to keep his shoulders slumped.

Dumbledore sighed at Harry's story "Well, they may have the stone, but they have only won the battle. Don't worry about the stone, we will inform Nickolas Flamel and the Ministry.

"What will happen to Flamel? what was the stone?"

"It was the Philosophers stone, it can give the owner immortality with its elixir and can turn metals into gold. But Harry, that kind of an object will only attract people who want to use it for personal gain, I'm sorry it fell into the wrong hands. My friend Nickolas will unfortunately have to get his affairs in order and he and his wife will die soon. "

"Sir, I'm sort of getting a headache, I'm sorry but do you mind if we talk more later?"

"Of course, Harry, I don't think there's anything more to say. I'll see you at the feast. Get well Harry." Dumbledore said as he went over to talk to Draco who gave him the same story up until the point where He was knocked unconscious.

A few days had passed, and Harry was walking through the halls taking some of his sweets by hand to his room, the rest had been taken back by the house elves. He opened the door to his room and Ouro slithered up to him and butted his little head into Harry's leg until Harry had been able to put his sweets down and pick the snake up.

"Ouro I thought you were going to stay with my Dad until the summer, how did you get here?"

"I have my ways, Master. and I didn't want to be separate from you any longer."

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