Questions And Texts

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Later on that night, Harry had shooed them all out and taken out that small mirror he carried with him everywhere. He brought it up in front of him and said, "Lord Voldemort." Immediately the surface of the mirror began to glow and the pale blue light shone out of it, on the other side of the glass Harry could see Tom, he was projecting into what looked like a bedroom.

"Harry, how have you been?" He asked in his sibilant hiss like voice, it was still cold and high but did have a caring undertone.

"I have been good Tom, I just wanted to ask you about a few things." Harry said feeling at ease under Toms gaze.

"Yes?" He replied lifting an eyebrow in interest.

"The first is about a girl named Hermione. She is muggleborn but I believe her to be an excellent addition to my group." He said pausing.

"Is she now. And why would you want someone such as her to be anywhere near you? I have seen the way you treat other muggleborns." Tom was referring to the time one came around the manor trying to give documents to Mr Malfoy about a legislation.

"She is much more talented than lots of half-bloods I have met and works extremely hard to assist me in any way with my mission, on top of that I believe her to be in some way distantly related to a wizarding family, it is the only way I can explain her natural affinity with magic." He said looking down under Tom's stare, he wanted to please Tom not disappoint him.

"She does?" Tom asked, "Well that certainly is interesting but what use would she be after the mission is complete?" Hearing Tom's certainty that he would not fail made Harry extremely happy.

"Muggleborns are still a part of our society and I believe she would be a great asset in getting them to be complacent under your rule. She would also make a useful member of my "Officers" for other missions you put me on as she has more than the necessary raw talent."

"I will trust your judgement on this one, but no more mud-bloods Harry."

"Yes Tom."

"Good your other questions."

"Well the breaking at Gringotts was to the vault 713, which I saw Hagrid empty that same day, I believe it is what we are looking for right? But the break in seems counterproductive, it would mean that security would be tightened and make my life harder, did you organise it?" Harry asked.

"No, it was a group of my followers from before that had not gone looking for me, they apparently thought it would make a good present to keep me from torturing them for not coming to my aid when I needed it most."

"And did it?" asked Harry grinning.

"It ensured the punishment was worse." Tom smirked back.

"We have found a trap door under the feet of a Cerberus, we believe what we are looking for is down there, there is a plan at Halloween to check if we are right then we will make further plans."

"Well done, I have plans in action as well, I will make a distraction for you and you and your group can go check it out."

"Thank you, if you make the distraction then the Weasley twins and my group will wait to see if teachers come to check on the door, if they do the Twins will look like they are trying to get in and we will make assumptions from their reaction." Harry said summing up their plans.

"Good, I will have my accomplices meet you and there is something you need to know, I will tell you then." Tom said nodding.

"And, just out of curiosity do you think that the Cerberus could be useful to you? Harry asked.

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