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"No one will be attending this, it is just for us." Said Tom as he moved over to the cauldron. It was big and rounds with clawed feet that sat on the ground, talons digging into the dirt.

"I need you to pick up the jar and tip its contents onto the top of the potion, so it settles as a film."

Harry followed his instructions and unscrewed the top, it smelt like salt. He walked over to the bubbling liquid and poured it out evenly on the surface.

"Now prick your finger with the needle and drip your blood onto the surface of the powder. Then mix it in with your hand." Tom continued, he paused waiting for Harry to comply. Harry placed the jar down and picked up the needle, he hesitated as he pressed it to the tip of his index finger. He was unsure of what Tom had planned, he said it was beneficial for both of them, but even still...he wanted to know what he was agreeing to.

"Tom, why am I adding my blood?" He asked quietly, unsure of himself in this situation.

"Do you really need to know?" Tom asked with a sigh. Once he got a nod from Harry he began "It will link us further together, you are special to me in a way only one other living thing is and that means that I want to keep you safe and help you grow, in power as well as health. It will give a small blood connection between the two of us which will allow me to," he paused and looked a little nervous "blood adopted you and make you my son and heir. This will also let you access my power when in real need and strengthen the Horcrux inside you." He rushed out.

There was a pause.

Then Harry grabbed Tom and pulled him into a hug, "You're going to be my Dad?" He almost yelled, his eyes shining with excitement. He really wanted this, the thought made him ecstatic.

"Well yes, in a way, not properly until I blood adopt you." Tom managed to get out, voice muffled by Harry's hair. He had a small smile on his face that was only ever seen around Harry, his future son.

"Tom, what is a Horcrux?" Asked Harry.

Tom pointed his wand at the cauldron and froze it in time with a complex spell. the conjured two chairs and sat Harry down.

"When you were a small child Snape overheard a prophecy that foretold that you would be the one to kill me." He paused and saw the look of horror on Harry's face, "No prophecy is binding of course, I even had to choose between you and another child, however I know you would be the more powerful and dangerous. I had only heard half of the prophecy, but even still I took it upon myself to prevent my death. I used a rat I knew would squeal and found out the location of your parent's safe house, I broke in and killed both of them." He paused again and looked over at Harry for his reaction.

Harry sat there and looked at Tom, he didn't know what to think, the man he trusted most had just told him that he murdered his parents. But he didn't feel any different, it wasn't natural to feel this loyal to a person especially one he had so recently met in his life. "Could you tell me more about them?"

"How about after I finish the story?" Asked Tom softly.

"Okay." Said Harry quietly as he looked expectantly.

"I walked into your room and shot the killing curse at you but due to your mother dying for you with love in her heart the spell rebounded and hit me. It shattered a piece of my soul as it destroyed my body. that part of my soul latched onto the nearest living thing, that being you. Now a piece of my soul resides in you and you protect it as it will protect you. Now you are closer to me then my own family and you went from being a danger to being an asset, and I will keep you safe, I will make sure you live a warm and comfortable life as my soon to be prince and heir." He paused again as the words sunk in.

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