A Snakes loyalty

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The man walked closer but with an obvious air of anger "How dare you?! There is no way a boy like you can beat a full-grown wizard like me!"

Harry just smirked at the dishevelled man and said "The impression I have got from wizards so far is that the underestimate and undervalue muggle methods. It is almost funny how tragic it is."

"So you believe muggles and wizards equal do you?" Draco and Ron turned to Harry shocked.

He simply replied with "No. Well not quite, there are some muggles out there that are capable of doing things wizards aren't. I have met them; a small fraction is worthy of our respect. For instance, they have technology that can simulate magic to perfection, they have even created a virtual world. But muggles like this are rare so deserve the upmost respect, ordinary muggles cannot compare. So, I believe some are our equals but most are not." He paused for breath, he already hated this man. He had only one friend growing up and they came for the muggle world he had described. Conspiracy theories about them were abound in the muggle world If they worked with the wizards then the possibilities are limitless, until then though she would have to stay secret, after all he had to protect his best friend from people like this.

"Nice speech boy, but those views could be seen as blasphemous by those friends of yours."Harry looked around to see Ron and Draco looking at him funny. "After this you two can meet one of them. Then you'll understand what I am saying. Until then just trust me." They seemed relieved, "We do Harry." Ron said " I have never met a muggle before so could it be soon?" Harry smiled warmly at him and said "I will ask her right away, but she is not your average muggle. They are not all as.......unique."

The man was now levelling his wand at Harry head having moved very close, "Enough of this! Petrificus totalus!" Harry dogged the curse with frightening speed and sent a sucker punch to the man's face as he rose back up.

The blow landed and the guy reeled back spitting out lots of blood and a small tooth. A look of absolute fury rose over the man's face as he saw nothing but red. He made to cast again but Harry swivelled round to avoid his reaching hand and sent a perfect roundhouse kick that connected with the other side of the man's face. He fell but was not unconscious. A blood thirst smirk appeared on Harry's already terrifying face and he said, "Still think muggle methods have no value? They're beating you to a pulp." With that he moved in and pinned his victim enjoying causing pain too much to care what was happening around him. As the man reeled from the blow he realised he was held down with nowhere to go the and pleaded to be spared, Harry just scowled at his weak will and punched him hard in the solar plexus. He doubled over coughing and moaning in pain. Harry began to pummel the guy, he was never allowed to do this at training and it brought a delicious rush of power that had his fingertips tingling.

Harry failed to notice the man's accomplice coming up from behind until it was too late. He reached for Harry's neck about to strangle him when something oil black and small shot out from Harry collar and bit him. The man beneath Harry now unconscious, he turned to see Ouro detach himself from the second man's hand and fall. Harry reached out and caught the little snake in his palm, immediately pulling him close. The second man seemed to be paralyzed and the bite was quickly turning black. He looked to be in a lot of pain as he died not that Harry cared he was too busy fussing over Ouro. "Thanks for the save but that was too close. Call to me as you fall, I almost missed you!"

"I am just glad that you are unharmed Master."

"Stupid snake worry about yourself!"

"Only after you are safe." Harry caught himself smiling as he let Ouro back round his neck "I will go get you some food. Sleep"

"Yes Master." Harry turned to see Ron and Draco staring at him open mouthed.

"You're a Parselmouth. " Draco breathed.

Harry tilted his head "A what?"

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