Flying Lesson

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Soon they were walking back from Hagrid's hut, Harry and Ron, that is. They didn't want to push it numbers or hospitality wise, after all Hagrid would be more than unwelcoming with Draco there. Harry had noticed a news article on the front page of the paper on Hagrid's table. It was talking about a break in at Gringotts, apparently to the same vault Hagrid had emptied that day so whatever it was that Hagrid had removed it was valuable and probably what he was looking for. But if so then why would Tom send people to raid the vault? He would have to ask him later.

On Monday, it was flying lessons with the Gryffindor's, Harry was looking forward to it to say the least, he hadn't had time to try Draco's broom when offered but now he would actually be learning to fly.

As The four of them walked over to the Slytherin table they heard Neville unwrap something his Gran sent him, apparently it was a Remembrall not that that meant much to Harry, but Draco had already gotten a taste for tormenting Neville and went over to see what it was. Dean and Seamus stood up between Draco and Neville, it looked like a fight was about to start and Harry looked over interested, already knowing who would win. Crabbe and Goyle appeared behind Draco and looked over at Dean Neville and Seamus, but Draco made the smart although less entertaining choice of walking away. He came back to their table seething about how they treated him, Harry just chuckled and said, "Wait until our next lesson with them we will get our own back.", this caused the other three to smirk, oh Harry had defiantly gotten to them.

Soon they were out on the lawn facing the Gryffindor's in a line waiting to start the lesson, they were standing next to their brooms. As Madam Hooch gave them instructions to rise of the ground at the sound of her whistle, but Neville was feeling pretty jumpy about this and at "2" he pushed of from the ground, shooting into the air like a cork shot form a bottle. When shouting at him to come down didn't work Madam Hooch reached for her broom to go get him but before she could even touch it there was a shriek and people could see Neville falling from the sky. Just then Harry felt a presence in the back of his mind and saw a wisp of that obsidian black smoke swirl around him, no one else seemed to see it.

All the while Harry and his friends were watching Neville rise into the air they were silently laughing at him. When he fell they held their breaths slightly, they weren't sure what they wanted to see happen. When he landed, they heard a faint groan, the teacher ran over to check Neville was alright.

"It is just a broken wrist, I will take him to the hospital wing now. I don't want to see any brooms in the air, if any of you fly you shall be expelled is that clear?" She said as she looked over them, without saying anything else she turned around and guided Neville inside.

Draco walked over to where Neville had fallen and looked over at the gang. " Did you see his face, the great lump?" He said as he burst into laughter watching the broom fly over the forbidden forest. Harry his friends and the other Slytherin's joined in, laughing at Neville's expense. Harry walked up to Draco and slung his arm around his shoulders.

"Shut up Malfoy." Parvati Patil snapped.

"Ooh sticking up for Longbottom?" said Hermione nastily, sneering at Parvati. She was turning into a real Slytherin already. "Never thought you'd like fat little cry-babies, Parvati." She said, Draco and Ron stared laughing their heads off at this and Harry's smirk widened as he looked over at the Gryffindor's a dangerous glint in his eyes. This was defiantly not the Harry they had been expecting.

"Look" Said Draco darting forward picking up something from the grass, "It's that stupid thing Longbottom's gran sent him." The Remembrall glinted in the sun as Draco held it up.

"Give that back Malfoy." Said Seamus quietly everyone stopped to watch.

Draco grinned at him. "I think I will leave somewhere for Longbottom to up a tree." He said getting onto his broom and taking off.

"Give it HERE!" Seamus yelled as he jumped onto his broom. Draco hadn't been lying he could fly well, he levelled with the top most branches of an Oak tree. Harry jumped onto his broom and kicked off from the ground, rising to help Draco. It soon became apparent to all the on lookers that Harry was a natural. The air rushed through his hair and his robes whipped out behind him, in a rush of fierce joy he realised he had found something he was immediately good at. This is easy, this is wonderful. The pulled the broom up so he rose higher, hearing admiring yells from the Slytherins and a weird sense of pride that seemed to emanate from the back of his mind. It wasn't his emotion, but he didn't feel like it was dangerous, more like it came from a safe place so he ignored it. He drew level with Draco facing Seamus in the air.

"Give it here or I will knock you of your broom." Seamus called at them but his shaky hands mean that he pressed down on the handle and accidentally knocked into Draco causing a domino effect. Harry lurched to the side and the mirror gifted to him by Tom fell out of his pocket. It plummeted towards the pavement, in a moment of desperation Harry dived after it, he moved faster and faster until he caught it just before it hit the ground. He pulled out of his dive just in time, earning himself awed gasped from the crowd of onlookers.

Draco snarled at Seamus, not only had he hit the two of them but he had almost broken one of Harry's most prized possessions. Harry felt a small stab of anger in the back of him mind but concentrated on reaching the ground , he tucked the mirror deeper into the folds of his robes where he knew it would be safe.

"HOW DARE YOU?" Draco screamed at Seamus before turning to the forest and throwing the Remembrall as far as he could before descending to the ground next to Harry, just then they heard "MR POTTER!" and turned to see Snape walking across the grounds towards them. "You and Mr Malfoy are to follow me at once." As they left they could hear snickering behind them.

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