A Room, A Garden and Dinner

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Harry walked around the room observing the window seats either side of the doors, to the balcony, to the plush couple of chairs scattered artfully around the large room. These were for the most part silver but some had slight detailing of other colours to give them the look of wild flowers. Most of them were strait back cushioned armchairs but some curved out and some in. there was also a foot stall with a silver cushion and black feet.

Stepping out onto the balcony he was surrounded by the smell of flowers and there were some metal chairs out here and a small round table to sit at. Harry went back inside and decided to change from his muggle clothes into robes. He walked over to the wardrobe and picked out some small black and gold robes that seemed to come with a set of scaly boots that harry supposed must be dragon hide. Following Draco's instructions Harry simply dropped his clothes on the floor as he got changed. Walking back out to the balcony he took in the gardens, there was a maze made of tall bushes covered in a flowering climber, walkways that had a canopy of wisteria and a big lawn surrounded with flowerbeds. In the near distance, Harry could see the quidditch pitch Draco was talking about owning.

There was a knock at the door and Harry went over to open it, noticing the two locks, to find Dobby standing there shivering. Only raising an eyebrow almost sent the elf to tears, it spoke up in a small squeaky voice "Master Harry, Masters and Mistress Malfoy are awaiting you in the dining room, please follow me." Harry decided it would be fun to torment this little elf, it was already so easy to scare. He nodded mutely and followed Dobby. The elf rushed to get him to the dining room, once there he bowed opened the door waited for Harry to pass though, closed it and departed. The dining hall is spacious and airy with a somewhat cool but relaxed feel. Walking further in Harry was shown his seat by Lucius and sat down.

The head of the house looked almost nervous as he looked down the table, he had a feeling that the raven-haired boy would become strong and powerful by his master's side and was eager to make a good impression. With a single clap of his hands the table was overflowing with food Harry had never seen before in his life. It all looked delicious and the steam rolling of it smelt like heaven. The family and their guest filled themselves first on the main and then dessert, while they were finishing up on the dessert Ouro decided it was time to come out.

He slithered out of his Masters collar and down onto the table below, looking for any scraps of meat in the rear vicinity. After locating and eating some chicken, he slithered back up to Harry who petted him on his little red crest on his head. Hissing in content he looked over at a rather nervous Narcissa before chuckling, he curled up round Harrys left wrist and waited for them to be done eating.

Lucius looking at his wife's apprehensive face and his sons smirking grin he turned to Harry "So Mister Potter, who is your friend." Harry following Mr Malfoys eyes down to Ouro looked back up at him with a full-blown smirk that sent shivers down the older man's back.

"This is Ourobourous he is my familiar, apparently, he was sent here with instructions to keep my safe from someone else, he still won't tell me who sent him." Tilting his head to the side he asked too sweetly "Do you know who sent him?"

"I am afraid we are under strict orders not to tell you Harry." Lucius said looking over at his wife for help.

"So, you do know who they are." Harry said, dangerous smirk back in place as he looked between the Malfoys. They all shifted in their seats looking uncomfortably around. Draco was the first to look Harry directly in the eyes "We know who they are but it is not worth our lives to tell you before he allows it."

"So, they are a he, are they. Okay I will stop for you Draco but I want to meet him soon." Harry said in imperious tones as he looked around the table.

"But Harry, you will. He wants to spend a couple of days with you before you leave for Hogwarts." Said Mrs Malfoy looking slightly apprehensive. "He will be coming tonight; however, he can only come in a spirit form. So please don't over react. Our lord is partial to you, but to what extent is unknow so I would advise you not to anger him." She paused "My Young Lord."

Harry looked at her with slightly widened eyes as she called him by this new title. "Young Lord?"

She nodded "It is what he ordered us to call you now we are in private. He has plans he wishes to discuss with you, that involve your future." She smiled openly at him "I can't say anything about the subject but know that I am in favour."

With a slow nod in her direction and a glance at Draco Harry sat back in his chair. Dobby the elf walked in and informed Mr Malfoy of something before bowing to everyone, he was about to leave when Draco called out "Dobby, don't forget to bring me my hot chocolate before bed. And if it is anywhere near as bad as last time then I am sure I can think up a worse punishment then slamming your fingers in my door ten times. Would you like some hot chocolate Harry? Err I mean my Young Lord?"

"Draco" Harry said with a soft smile "You do not have to call me Young Lord, just Harry I want at least my friends to be able to call me by my name." With a gasp and a look of delight Draco smiled widely before a thought occurred to him. "But our Lord will not be happy."

"I am sure he will make an exception if it is me asking for it." Harry returned with a genuine grin ignoring the apprehensive looks Mr and Mrs Malfoy shared. "Dobby." The elf was about to soil himself. This young boy, Lord. There is no way. "I would like some hot chocolate too and I would like it brought directly to me, by you. So, if it is as bad as Draco says then there will be a punishment from both of us." The last sentence brought up a dark and cruel look on his face, his eyes and mouth betrayed his already growing bloodlust. The smirk and look of glee in the eye were a dead giveaway. Draco smirked just as the clock chimed. Mr Malfoy stepped in "It is time to meet our Lord Harry."

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