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~Preview for my next book in this series~

Harry woke up wrapped up in the sheets from his bed, the sunlight was shining in through the massive windows taking up most of the south wall of his room. He turned his head to the side trying to his from the light streaming through the window only to have the covers pulled off of him and his father sit down beside him.

"Harry, you need to get up now." Voldemort chuckled.

"Five more minutes." Harry murmured into his pillow.

"Harry, you have slept in for 2 extra hours so far and sent three house elves running for their lives. Have you forgotten what day it is?"


"It's your birthday Little Snake, and I needed you up two hours ago." Voldemort said turning to look when a house elf popped into the room and meekly held up a tray.

"Master, Binky has brought the young master's food."

"Set it on the desk and leave." Voldemort said glaring at the little elf for interrupting them.

"You're lucky that I know what kind of sleeper you are Harry. you need to be up in an hour so the you need to be up. Also, I want to talk to you about your next year at Hogwarts as well."

"Yes Dad." Harry groaned as he said up, trying to smooth his bed head with one hand and petting Ouro on his head with the other.

"We need to talk about he chamber of secrets and the blood adoption." Voldemort announced "So if that and the fact it's your birthday cant get you out of bed I don't know what will."


So a little message, this book has taken me around a year to complete, I've loved every minute of it and I plan to write at least a sequel if not a few more books. I love all of you and thank you so much for sticking with me and reading my story until the end. 



Also, please check out my other books, A Blade's Love, it's been one of my favourite books I've been writing so far, not a smut, which is an Assassin Kirkland X Hitman Jones book the characters are from Hetalia.

Stiles tale, which is a three-way crossover and follows Stiles' story as he becomes a vampire and finds himself enjoying a new life with his Dad and new family.

I have a few more books and look forward to writing the next book for this series.

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