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Harry walked into the great hall with the rest of his friends, they all gasped as they looked around thousands of live bats swooping around the ceiling while thousands more swooped down over the tables in low black clouds making the candles and pumpkins stutter. Harry walked over to the Slytherin table as the food suddenly appeared on the golden plates, he helped himself to a jacket potato with lots of toppings and a big salad. He took his time eating wondering what plan Tom had come up with and if his would work.

The pudding had appeared and helping himself to a massive chocolate cake while Hermione squirmed in her seat, "Harry, I have something to tell you." She said in a small voice looking down at her plate.

"Yes?" Harry asked eyebrow raised, he was interested to see what she had to say.

"Well, when you spoke about the possibility of me being related to a wizarding family..."

"Yeah?" Harry prompted resting his head on his palm.

"Well...I was digging around and I came across some family trees..." Just then Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and absolute terror on his face.

When he reached Dumbledore's chair he slumped against the table and gasped out "Troll-in the dungeons-thought you ought to know." And fell to the floor in a dead faint. There was an uproar and it took several purple firecrackers to silence everyone.

"Prefects," Dumbledore rumbled "lead your houses back to the dormitories immediately. Teachers follow me." Soon all of the teachers except Snape were rushing out of the hall. Following Dumbles to the dungeons, the four waited until they were out of sight and hid behind one of the pillars to avoid being dragged out in the crowd. Looking over at the Gryffindor table they could see the twins doing the same.

Soon everyone had cleared out and it was only the six, Snape and Quirrell were left. Immediately Snape helped Quirrell up and the two along with the twins walked over to meet them.

"Before you go there's something I need of you." Quirrell said standing up strait for perhaps the first time.

"Where's your stutter gone?" Asked Harry suspiciously, he was looking at Quirrell intently. All the man's quirks had gone, there was no stutter or stoop and he seemed much surer of himself.

"We have to talk after the plan has is finished, meet me in my classroom after you have checked the third floor." He said smoothly "My Young Lord our Lord wants to speak with you face to face." He finished before walking out as fast as he could and following the other teachers down Snape following after.

The others shared a look and Hermione had to poke Harry to get him out of his thoughts. Shaking his head Harry walked towards the doors and the stairs knowing the others would be following, then started to run as soon as they reached the stairs, the Weasley twins showing them shortcuts. Soon they had reached the door to the third floor and were hiding under a spell that Hermione had looked up a week before hand and had taught them all.

They lay in wait by the door for around three minutes before they heard panting and the beat of shoes on the stone stairs, soon Professor Flitwick rounded the corner. He was panting so had yet to look up at the door itself, with a nod of confirmation from Harry the Twins sprang into place and looked like they had been trying to force the door.

Looking up Flitwick gasped "You two, how? Why? But? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Ha raised his voice towards the end his face becoming more and more thunderous as he looked between the two of them.

"We were..."

"Just going..."

"To take..."

"A look."

They said in their strange but great twin speak as they grinned impishly at the Professor, he looked like he was about to blow his top. "Do you know what you were about to do? Or maybe you do, and you're after the stone. No...no you couldn't be; your Gryffindor's, regardless you can't go in there by order of Dumbledore. My office both of you!" He ranted then turned away, storming of towards charms knowing they'd follow him.

With a subtle wink in the fours direction they were turning away but not before they saw Harry become visible and give them a thumbs up and mouth "Thank you." before disappearing again. The spell lets you see others using the same spell you are when hidden but one removed they are invisible to you. It is perfect for spying in groups or surprise attacks.

Soon the other four were rushing, still invisible to Quirrell's office to find out what it was he wanted to tell them. There were pumpkins all over the school, some were absolutely giant and probably grown in Hagrid's patch, each and every one had big and elaborately carved faces with candles burning inside. They papered the stone walls with eerie shadows and caught the corner of your eye every time the lights flickered, they almost looked alive.

They had made it to Quirrell's office without bumping into anybody else in the long and empty corridors, only the occasional lose bat flew past them in search of moths. The classroom door loomed over them as the knocked as quietly as they could, it felt as though the door itself was watching them and the noises from the animals inside were almost spine-chilling.

The door opened slowly and they were beckoned inside.

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