Through the Trap Door

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They walked down the corridor as fast as they could go covered by Harry's invisibility cloak. As they walked up the stairs they passed Mrs Norris, Filch's cat, "Let's give her a kick, just this once." Ron murmured as they passed her by. She seemed to be staring at them as they passed, they rushed along the corridors and up the stairs, passing by ghosts, teachers and creaking suits of armour. they were trying their best not to make a sound.

Harry was both excited and nervous. He wanted to do well he would succeed for himself and for Tom, thinking about what would happen if he failed though was not a pleasant thought. He dreaded the Dursley's, they may just be mere muggles but they were still the muggles that tormented him through most of his life, he despised them, but he also feared them.

It was dark when they left the dungeons and the warm green light but as they reached the third floor and approached the door it was pitch black outside the castle. Harry had conjured a glass jar that was charmed to be indestructible and held it tightly in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he nodded to Draco who unlocked the door with an alohamora and the pulled it open so that Harry had a clear shot at the Cerberus. It looked up at him blinking sleepily before waking a bit and growling lowly at the four.

Stepping into the room slowly Harry noted the trapdoor as he advanced. After the first foot was inside the threshold the Cerberus had leapt to it's feet and growled snapping it's mouths at him. Opening the jar slowly Harry took another step now he was fully in the room, Fluffy launched at Harry jaws wide as he went to bite Harry's head off. Quickly Harry shot the shrinking charm at the Cerberus and watched as it shrank before his eyes, he bent and after a few attempts he managed to trap it in the jar and scoop it up. After securing the lid and putting it in one of the inner pockets of his robes, he checked the others who were all shifting around behind him.

"Who wants to go first?" Asked Draco as he walked over to the trapdoor and lifted it.

"Ron." Hermione said giving Ron a sly grin.

Ron spluttered but then just sighed with a grin before walking up to the hole in the ground and looking down, he couldn't see past a few feet down. "Err anyone got a light?" He asked with a sheepish look.

Hermione walked up followed by Draco, she muttered something to him and then she cast lumos, seeing how she did it Draco managed to copy it and the tip of his wand lit up, the shown their lights over the hole and the four of them looked down.

"I guess I will go first." Said Draco a little uncertainly as he started to lower himself into the shaft, "I'll shout if it's safe." he said before dropping down into the dark taking his light with him, now the three at the top were only illuminated but the light of Hermione's wand. They waited for what seemed like hours, it had only been moments but to Harry who was becoming increasingly worried about Draco time seemed to stretch and warp.

Then there was a shout from below of "I'm okay." With a sigh of relief, the other's looked at one another, "Jump down you land on a plant thing." Said Draco.

"Okay we're on our way." Answered Harry as he prepared to jump, the others getting ready themselves, Harry checked that Ouro was secure round his neck before he let go of the side and fell.

He landed with an "oof" that had Draco sniggering. Ouro had his own complaints about the trip.

"Massster, perhaps a cushioning charm would have come in handy."

"I dont know any." Harry admitted, Draco's wand illuminating the room. "Ouro, you're very knowledgeable do you know what plant I am sitting on?" Harry asked as the others fell down next to him. Hermione's wand adding to the low level of glow in the room and it became apparent that whatever they were sitting on it was big and made of vines. The others were watching him as he hissed to his little protector and familiar, wondering what they were talking about.

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