A Moonlight Ghost

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Mr Malfoy was leading Harry down a dark corridor in the centre of the mansion, the sun had long since set and the moon was casting long, deep shadows with its watery blue light.

At the end of the corridor were two giant mahogany doors with big gold handles, the closer Mr Malfoy got to the doors the more nervous he seemed to become. Just before they were 10 paces from the door Mr Malfoy spoke up. "Remember, my Young Lord, treat him with the up most respect. I believe you are in his favour, but he can be quick to change his mind."

Nodding Harry reached for the handle, intending to open the doors. Just before he could touch them Malfoy shot out a hand and said "No, I open the doors. It would not be right for you to do it, my Young Lord."

Harry gave the man a curious look but removed his hand. With that Mr Malfoy grasped both handles, a small link was seen between them, this meant that as he opened one door the other copied exactly. Harry stood right in the centre of the doors as Mr Malfoy opened them.

Inside, just as the doors were opening a giant cloud of black smoke just like the one he had seen at the Dursleys streamed and swirled within.

In the smokes interior, a bright light could be seen, as the smoke subsided Harry could see a tall figure standing in the centre what appeared to be the library. Mr Malfoy who had stepped back whilst opening the doors now came around and stood three paces behind Harry. The tall figure beckoned the two inside with a commanding gesture, as they stepped in the doors slammed shut behind them.

Immediately Mr Malfoy sank to his knees and crawled forwards, once he reached the man , Harry had now noticed, who was almost solid he picked up the ends of the robes that touched the floor and kissed them, moving only back to Harry after murmuring a pledge of eternal and unconditional loyalty.

The man was made of some sort of solid light, it looked like the blue light that shone from the moon. He had cold eyes as he watched Malfoy, but as he looked up at Harry they softened slightly. They looked like a snake's eyes.

"Malfoy, you are dismissed." He said in a high, cold, cruel voice that was obviously used to giving orders. The normally proud strong looking man appeared cowed and small as he hurried to obey the taller man in the room. The man turned back to Harry, now that Malfoy was gone he seemed different.

He beckoned Harry over with a hand, its long fingers are bony but looked strong and elegant. They are graceful in the way they moved. Harry moved forwards towards the man, it was hard to describe but something inside him a part of him was pulling him towards the figure. For the first time in his life he didn't feel scared or threatened by or distrust towards an adult, after what he had been through at the Dursleys it is hard to trust anybody. And he was in awe.

The man's high cheek bones and big sharp eyes looked regal and powerful, his mouth is neither big nor small his lips pressed together in the way royalty sometimes held theirs as if distrustful and uncomfortable but willing to put up with it. He had long hair for a man that at a guess is dark but the light he was made from doesn't come in greyscale so it is impossible for Harry to tell. Standing close Harry could see his long eyelashes and the small lifts at the sides of the man's mouth that had not been there when Malfoy was present.

"This is how I looked before the accident that cost me my body, Harry." The man had noticed the stares then. "Yes, it was quite hard to miss them." This last part was spoken directly into Harrys mind, he also noticed a feeling in the back of his mind as if someone was rifling through his memories, his earliest.

"Who are you?" Harry asked bluntly. The individual across from him raised a long thin eyebrow and continued whatever he was doing. After a while the feeling stopped and he answered "I am Lord Voldemort. But Harry you do not have to call me by any fancy title when we are alone, you are special to me. However when around people call me Lord Voldemort." There was a pause where he seemed to be struggling with himself internally, with a shudder he continued "When we are alone you can call me my titles or Tom."

"I am glad you decided to come live with the Malfoys, they are some of my most loyal followers and it is safer for you here. Where is Ourobourous?"

At hearing his name, the small snake slowly made his way from Harrys wrist up his arm and onto his shoulder curling his back around Harrys neck. "From what I hear you saved Harry. Well done." If it was possible for snakes to blush Ouro would have been scarlet. "You have done well bringing him too me, I am sure you have not told him the more sensitive information?" Voldemort asked but it was not a question. Just then Harry realised that.....Tom was speaking to his snake.

"You are the one to send him? Why?" Harry asked 

"I wanted you safe and I don't trust my deatheaters to be capable of that."

Deatheaters cool name but "Why me?"

"Your special."


"All in good time." He said.

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