A wand and an owl

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"I have never felt comfortable around my family, they believe in things I don't agree with; and are Dumbledore fanatics. I kind of want to get away from there, they scare me sometimes with the way the talk." Ron admitted to Draco as they sat on the spindly chairs at the window as Harry walked up to get his wand. Draco's eyes widened at this and he looked at Ron. "Some of my brothers think the same way I do, a few of us actually but we're not safe. Our Dad believes the same things we do but Mum is long gone, she's taken a couple of us with her. Dad make reasonable money at work but he had to hide his fortune from Mum so we live in poverty, Weasley manor has been closed up for years, Dad inherited it that way. Before he told Mum, he noticed that money was being given to Dumbledore from our accounts and almost bankrupting us on a regular basis. That was when he found out about Mums ideals and decided to keep the fortune hidden or he risked losing it. He can't leave her or Dumbledore, they're blackmailing him. I don't know what with, or if Dumbles knows about the fortune but we are still in danger, our blood purity means power especially politically, but also magically as Dad holds many valuable tomes and artifacts that Dumbles wants. There is this book that holds our family's ancient magic that is very powerful when used by one of us. You can hate me if you want but I would like it if you knew the truth of my and, some of, my family's allegiances and true beliefs before calling us all blood traitors."

The speech was a lot to take in and Draco took a minute to process it, Harry listening in over his shoulder as Olivander wandered around looking for his measuring tape. Who would have thought that the Light Lord would blackmail people, his own followers at that.

Draco opened his mouth a couple of times before finally saying "I'm sorry"

Harry turned back to Olivander as Ron and Draco continued to chat, but with a lighter and friendlier atmosphere. Ron seemed happy to get that off his chest and was talking animatedly about the wand he had just brought.

Olivander came up to Harry and drew his attention away from the other two, Eventually Harry ended up with a holly and phoenix feather wand. Olivander had given Harry a weird look as a rush of magic caused the wand to glow. After Harry, with the help of Ron and Draco, grilled him he told them that the same phoenix had given a second feather which he had only seen happen once before to an extremely powerful wizard.

Next up was Draco, Harry sat back down by Ron and was starting to chat with him when he heard a tapping at the window, as he turned he saw a massive shadow that could only belong to one Hagrid. He was standing at the shop window grinning with a cage in his hand, a medium sized white owl was held inside and it all came along with bags of owl food and treats. Ron turned to Harry eyebrow raised "That owl for you?"

Harry sighed "Looks like. Though I suspect he has an ulterior motive for giving it to me when he obviously can't afford himself a new coat, I think it's from Dumbledore."

"It looks like a good owl though, and besides why would Dumbledore buy you an owl."

Draco wandered over twirling his new wand looking pleased with himself, when he heard the last part his expression darkened and he moved to stand by Harry's side. "To win him over probably, no doubt one of his many spies in this alley has told him that you are hanging around with me and he doesn't like that, so he wins you over with a present."

Harry looked surprised as he got up and turned to Draco "Why wouldn't he want me to talk to you?".

At this Ouro decided to pitch in, Olivander was in the back and Harry was facing away from the window so he assumed it was safe to whisper "Because Draco and his family are big supporters of his enemy, and he knows this even if he can't prove it. He wants to keep you away from him. I and HE think you should stay with Draco."

It was obvious Ouro wasn't looking for a response as he immediately shut his eyes again and drifted off again. It was a surprise the snake could sleep this long. Harry looked up and with a sigh looked away from his friends confused faces to the window, "Oh well, doesn't matter what he thinks. Come on then let's go."

With that the three friends left the shop and went from musty to clean and crisp air, it felt good. Hagrid gave Draco a cold look but Ron a big beaming grin, Draco just sneered and turned to face Harry rather then look at Hagrid and Ron gave him a curt nod. This didn't faze Hagrid though as he just turned to Harry and held out the gift, "Here a littl' gift from me to you, call it 'n early birthday present. So, if you are all done then let's get going hmm." 

He said as he handed Harry the cage and food, he turned to leave but Harry spoke up "I am not going with you Hagrid, I am staying at Draco's now. I hope you will understand. Thank you for the present I appreciate it. I will see you at school."

This turned into a twenty-minute debate outside of Olivanders but Harry, Ron and Draco eventually won it and Hagrid turned and left in a huff mumbling something about reporting to Dumbledore. With a look of triumph the three boys turned to walk away when Draco almost absentmindedly called out to someone called Dobby. there was a sudden puff and a weird creature appeared with wide tennis ball eyes and floppy ears. Draco simply said, "Take Harry's new Owl to his room." The thing bowed and left with the owl and its food. The three turned around a corner absentmindedly and before they knew it the sun had been blotted out by building that seemed to loom over them and they were lost.

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