The Mission and Hot Chocolate

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"While I was looking thorough your memories I couldn't help but notice the Dursleys that Dumbledore left you with. You have plans for them, don't you?"

Thoughts of revenge have been floating round his mind for a while now, ever since he pummelled the man in the alley. It had felt so good to just let go and now his bloodlust is developing at a considerable pace.

"I would love to pay them a visit at some point but I don't think I am ready for that yet."

"Well I am happy to help you along that path. For now, though I have some prisoners that could be your victims if you wish."

"You're encouraging me?"


"Why isn't this behaviour something to be stopped? I mean I almost killed two men in Knockturn alley. That would send most people to prison."

"Little snake, I am a known murderer and I torture people for fun or to let off steam. I am worse then you." He said with a slow growing smirk. One that sends chills down even the bravest of spines.

Harry's eyes widened a little but he didn't feel uncomfortable around Tom even after hearing his confession, Tom took two steps closer but it looked more like an elegant glide then walking, he laid a surprisingly firm hand on Harry's shoulder and looked deep into his eyes assessing something. He took out his wand from robes and pointed it towards the big fireplace, with a small wave the fire roared into life and two big soft looking armchairs appeared Tom put his arm around Harry's small thin shoulders and guided him to the closer of the two chairs. Once they had sat down Voldemort looked over and said "Harry I need you to do something for me. There is an object being held in Hogwarts school that I need to get away from Dumbledore. It is too dangerous to be left in his hands, the oaf Hagrid picked it up when he was escorting you to your vault. Normally I would not ask a child to do this but my Death Eaters are unable to breach the castles defences and in my current state I am unable to help. You, however, are being invited inside, I want you to retrieve it for me. In exchange, I will tutor you until you leave for Hogwarts and grant you one wish when you retrieve it for me." He paused "But that is enough for now we should go back to the drawing room where the Malfoys have congregated. We will continue with this tomorrow."

With that he got up and lead Harry out of the study. Once they had reached the drawing room and stepped through the doors the room fell silent, Draco was just being handed his mug of hot chocolate from Dobby and Mr and Mrs Malfoy were looking over some documents at a table. Harry simply walked forwards towards Draco and sat down next to him, eyeing up the hot chocolate "Dobby where is mine?" he asked in a deliberately menacing voice.

The elf shook as he looked from Harry to the Dark Lord who had by now taken a seat at the nicest chair to be seen, to the elder Malfoys who were exchanging tense looks. "C-c-coming right now m-m-my Young Lord" He managed to stutter out as he quickly disappeared and reappeared with a mug. It was by far the best he had tasted yet and this must have showed on his face, Dobby looked so hopeful.

Harry noticed Draco next to him ordering a house elf called Molly to bring him a cup of her hot coco so he reserved judgement until then. Molly's was so much better the drink was rich and creamy with so much chocolate and the giant marshmallows were only half melted in the conservative layer of cream on the top. Now he understood.

"Dobby have you ever tried falling down each stair case from the top of the Manor to the bottom?" When Dobby shook his head in pure terror Harry's previous look of innocence at the question changed to a very bloodthirst and cruel one. "Well, now that I understand Draco's point I think you should try it as punishment along with Draco's choice of torment." There was a dark chuckle from Voldemort that made the little elf cry out of fear as he walked out careful not to turn his back to either of the lords. His exit was followed by a prolonged period of tense silence, Harry just sat back and listened to see if he could hear Dobby take his first dive.

"So, Harry" Draco said after a while to try and ease the tension "When do we get to meet this friend of yours?"

"Harry?" Voldemort stated a look of anger graced his features "Why are you calling him Harry? Did I not make myself clear he is to be addressed as my Young Lord?" Draco seemed to shrink back into the sofa he was sitting in under his Lords gaze.

"But my Lord," Harry interjected "I told him to call me by my name. I think it would be best as I don't think he should be in the habit of calling me by my new tile when we get to Hogwarts. It might arouse suspicion, and that I don't want one of my only friends to be formal around me. Please."

Lord Voldemort looked at Draco for a few excruciating seconds then at Harry with that softer look, "I understand your reasoning and although I do not wholly approve I will except it until next summer then he and the rest of your friends will all have to address you by your title. Is that understood?"

"Yes, thank you. And to answer your question Draco I can call her right now. I am sure she isn't doing much and she should come right over."

"Who is this?" Voldemort asked.

Draco spoke up "Harry's muggle friend."

"His what?" The Dark lord asked a look of fury and disgust took over his features as he looked between Harry and Draco.

"Don't let her hear you call her that." Harry stated rather bluntly causing the elder Malfoys to wince "She will defiantly take offence."

With that Harry stood up and moved an area without furnishings and reached round to the back of his neck just below his hair line and pressed. A little blue light shone through his skin.

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