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Doc Truyen, who ever you are, it has been brought to my attention that you have bee taking my work and using it with out me knowing. This may be a fanfic but the plot and parts of the story are very much my own. Please stop copying it. I don't appreciate it! I know you have been doing this to many writers. If you were just translating it for others who don't speak English I appreciate that but I still would want to know if you were. And before you do!

People I strongly suggest that if you write on Wattpad to google Doc Truyen and then your account name and see if he has done this to you.

I don't like to swear or cures at anyone but I'm close right now. STOP! This is my work.

And with that rant over to all my amazing readers I just want to say a thank you for being such amazing people, I love to write and it makes me soooooooo happy to know that other people enjoy reading it! I am sorry the next chapter isn't up yet, I've been having writers block but I'm getting back into it and the next chapter will hopefully be up soon. Thank you for being kind to me,



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