The Exception

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"A boy called Neville has lost his toad, have you seen it?"

"No, and what's your name?" Ron demanded he and Draco had moved slightly to stand between the girl and Harry.

"I am Hermione Granger. Who are you?" she asked a little ticked off at being spoken to in that tone, Harry was still able to see everything and he spotted some of her smoke as it radiate of off her, it was different to Draco and Ron's it was relatively the same size but it just seemed more flexible to him, but it was still the same deep black. So, he got up and paid attention just in time to hear Draco call her a mudblood.

"I am Harry Potter, would you like to come in?" he asked her and motioned to the seat next to Draco, "Shut the door behind you." He wasn't asking. Draco and Ron looked at him for a second before moving out of the way.

"What do you know about magic?" he asked her one she had sat down, he was giving of an air similar to that of Voldemort when he was being nice, imperial but lenient.

She looked taken aback by the sudden question but answered "I've already read all my text books and memorised all the spells." This caught Ron and Draco out, they'd not expected this answer.

"Would you say this is the norm for a muggleborn?" Harry asked looking at her ignoring the other two. If he was right about this, about her, then she could be a great asset in the future not just for the cause but also after. Dealing with the mugglebourns for instance.

"No, I think I am the only one."

"So, you are already way ahead of most in our year?"

"I suppose so yes."

That explains it, the weird sense of flexibility was her willingness to learn and adapt, it was by far her strongest trait. He wanted her on his team but he knew that her birth would cause problems. "Draco, Ron; Hermione here could be very useful not just now but in the future. So, I would like her to be the one exception to your prejudice and you never know she might just have some wizarding blood in her ancestry." He said this last part mainly to appease the other two boys and give some hope to the idea of them excepting her. But this sparked a small fire in her eyes that the others didn't notice. She wondered if Harry could be right, it could explain her affinity to magic. It was unlike the other mugglebourns, more like that of a half blood.

After debating with Draco and Ron Harry resorted to pulling rank and ordered them to at least give her a chance, he would speak with the Dark Lord about the matter. Soon the food trolley made its round and Draco bought lots of everything, after a couple seconds thought he gave Hermione some and asked Harry "To accept mudbloods in this way goes against the Dark Lords wishes but if it is only her then it is less of a problem. Are we going to treat them all with respect in the future?"

"Draco, I meant only her, not all mugglebourns, I am not a blood traitor. I happen to believe there is something special about her blood and want to give her a chance to prove her worth to us."

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