His First Christmas

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I feel like I need to explain a few things, first I stand by not having given up on this story. I love it, and I love that I can write something that so many people enjoy, but I have been struggling with mental heath and these past months have been difficult for me, I want to say that I really as sorry for making u all wait but I am finding it hard to do much of anything and I hope you can understand. I don't know how to send a message to all of u so I hope a few of you read this because you are all important to me even though I have never met you, it would mean so much to me to know that your all enjoying this and if possible could u leave a comment or something to tell me that u still want more of this?

Thanks my little snakes- here is the long awaited chapter as promised it will try to be a bit more regular from now on :)



"Term was good," Draco said as he pulled back from a hug from his Mum, "Harry is the house seeker and we won our first match. Potions is great, and we are doing extra work outside of lessons to aid our Lord." He finished, having said the last part quietly so as not to draw unwanted attention.

All the while Harry just stood back and listened to the Malfoys talk, the others looked a little awkward too, just then Mrs Weasley turned up, she looked irritated, angry and ready to blow at the sight of Harry and Ron in green. She walked up to Ron and grabbed his arm ready to drag him off but not before she threw a dirty look at the collective group. As he was dragged away Ron managed to say that he would write them.

There was an awkward silence until Crabbe and Goyle were collected by their respective families. That only left Hermione to be collected, the Malfoys had yet to get to know her and were obviously uncomfortable with her presence, they walked out into king's cross with her in stony silence. Harry and Draco tried to start up a conversation, but it was a dead end. Soon they spotted her family and grateful for the excuse to leave she hurried off with them promising to send an owl soon.

With the departure of the Grangers the group going to Malfoy Manor was complete, they walked to a secluded corner and Mrs Malfoy took Harry's hand dissaperating with him, they arrived on the steps of the manor. The colour of the stone had definatly changed, now the whole building glistened a deep dark black that seemed to bring it to life, like it was looking at you out of its many window eyes. Harry liked it better this way, he felt at home with the ominous and reproaching feeling that the area gave off.

The doors opened by themselves and Dobby rushed out to collect Harry and Draco's bags, the interior of the mansion remained the same, but Dobby's bandages had shifted around a bit. The house was obviously decorated for Christmas with magical snow cascading down from the high ceilings and the small decorations tasteful placed around the area. Putting his hand out Harry expected to feel cold snow, but the flakes seemed to pass right through him and he felt a tingling warm sensation from it.

Draco again showed his love for the flamboyant side of life as he strode up the staircase past Dobby and beckoned Harry to follow "Our family has always loved Christmas," he began his speech "I love it mostly for the presents and sweets."

"Your room should be the same with a few festive touches here and there, there will be Christmas dinner with our lord I hope, and presents are opened on the day not before, if you want to go shopping for presents then just call dobby and get him to take you to Diagon Alley. You know where my room is, and Hedwig will be brought up here. We also had a bed installed for Ouro." He finished as he flung open the doors and showed Harry inside. There were decorations hung over the fire place as the green flames flared, the decoration other than that was non-existent in the room. However, when he walked up to the windows he could see that the grounds had been decorated festively with massive fur trees and snow carpeting the lawns, the sunlight shone off the fresh powder causing the ground to sparkle.

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