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As Harry walked up toward the doors to the great hall he could feel a knot of nerves beginning to form in his throat, he didn't think he could ever feel sick at the smell of fried sausages but today would be a day of firsts.

"You've got to eat some breakfast." Ron said through a mouthful of sausage.

"I don't want anything." Harry mumbled as there was another loud laugh from the Gryffindor team.

"Just a bit of toast," wheedled Hermione 

"I'm not hungry." In an hours' time he would be walking up to the pitch.

"Harry, you need your strength," Draco said as he spread jam on his toast, "Seekers are always the first to be targeted."

"Thanks Draco." Harry said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

By 11 o'clock the whole school seemed to be collected on the stands surrounding the pitch, many of them with binoculars. Hermione, Ron and Draco were seated in the best spot in the Slytherin stands, Crabbe and Goyle were directly behind them. They held up a large banner that had a snake drawn on it in green and silver, along its coils were the words "Potter for President" Hermione had charmed them so they would flash different colours.

In the changing room Harry was getting dressed into his emerald green robes (the Gryffindor's would be in red)

Marcus flint didn't say anything to the team as they lined up and then walked onto the pitch across from the Gryffindor's. Madam Hooch was refereeing and had the box containing the balls open next to her, she had yet to release any of them, Harry couldn't concentrate on her little speech about a "Nice fair game,". He was too busy with his nerves but just as they were about to mount their brooms Flint put a firm hand on his shoulder and gave him a rare smile.

The whistle sounded and Harry kicked of hard. The wind flew through his hair as he shot up into the sky, the stands shrunk around him, he could hear commentary from Lee Jordan but he couldn't care less what he had to say. He was about as bias as it was possible to be sat next to Professor McGonagall, He heard something about a score but that didn't matter to him right now, all he needed to do was focus on finding the Snitch.

Everything seemed to pass in a blur while he circled overhead, staying out of the way of the Gryffindor's, he trusted the Twins not to do his serious damage but he still didn't want to be hit. Just then he heard that Slytherin were beginning to score and a big grin broke its way across his face. Just then he noticed the snitch speed past on its way to the Gryffindor side of the stadium, he dove for it before the Gryffindor seeker noticed and caught in near the Slytherin stand. The rest of the evening was a blur, he had been rushed back to the common room where there was a party held to celebrate.


I split the chapter so the next update will be longer. Promise XD

check out the: The Microscopic Bobbi Club 

XD its worth it

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