Seeker, Cerberus and Fight.

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As they walked down the corridors, Snape lead them into an empty class room and shut the door. He immediately bent down and kissed the hem of Harry robes and waited, Harry looked at Draco who mouthed, "I think you need to give him permission."

"Err, you may rise."

"Thank you, my Young Lord." He said straitened up, looking between them. "My Young Lord, and you too Draco were very lucky that you were not caught. However, I believe Harry is just what our team needs. Slytherins last seeker had just left and we need a good replacement, if you would allow me I would like to put in a word for you with the head master and Marcus Flint. I believe you would be perfect."

"Yes." Harry said trying to control his excitement at the thought.

Later Harry was telling Ron and Hermione all about it, when Seamus and Dean walked up. "Enjoying your last meals here?" They said with a sneer.

"You're a lot braver back on the ground, now you've got your little friends with you." Harry said without looking at them, he needed to focus more on how much he was eating.

"I will take you on anytime, how about tonight. At midnight, the trophy room. Wizards duel, no contact." Said Seamus looking over to where Neville had just walked in, Ron followed his gaze and grinned.

"Sure, Draco will be my second." Harry stated. "If I were you though I would watch out. I am...difficult shall we say.... to deal with in a fight."

Later that night they crept from their rooms the giant squid looking in through the windows as they left the safety of the Slytherin common room and walked silently through the dungeons, Hermione and Harry in front Ron and Draco behind, Harry felt that presence in the back of his mind again it felt exited, the wisp of black smoke brushed past his cheek as he walked.

They made it all the way to the trophy room before they met another soul; Seamus, Dean and Neville were there waiting for them looking completely freaked out by the creepy atmosphere but Harry felt completely at ease. As he walked in the three jumped around and pointed their wands at the four.

Harry sighed "Let's get this over with." And pulled out his wand, the presence in the back of his mind wanted to laugh making his let out an almost inaudible chuckle. He stood in front of Seamus and bowed like he was supposed to, Draco had given him a crash course just hours earlier. They then turned and walked the ten paces, everyone in the room watching with bated breath. No one had said a word other than Harry and the tension in the air just kept rising. Soon they turned and levelled their wands at each other. Hermione stood to the side and waited three seconds to make sure there was no chance of cheating before saying in a hushed tone "Begin!"

Before Seamus could open his mouth, Harry had cast "Expelliamus" causing his wand to fly through the air into Harry waiting palm, but before they could celebrate their victory, something that the trio across from Harry were NOT going to enjoy; Draco was hoping for tears at least, they heard and whisper coming from the next room.

"I think they are in here my sweet." It was Filch, with one triumphant and gloating look flung the Gryffindor's way Harry and his team fled the scene towards the grand staircase but before they could make it there, there was a crashing sound and Filch burst through the doors just ahead of them and looked their way, luckily it was dark so he couldn't see their faces but he chased them back towards the moving stairs. They were too busy trying not to get caught to notice where they were going, soon they were bursting through a door and the moving staircases. They kept on moving conscious of being followed, the door they came to halt at wouldn't open, Hermione pushed them aside and whispered "Alohomora." The door swung open and the crew tumbled forwards. Shutting the door behind them as fast as they could while still being quiet.

They listened, ears against the door until they heard Filch say "They aren't here my sweet, come on we must keep looking." They heard him shuffle away and let out a sigh of relief, just them Harry noticed a tugging on his sleeve and turned to see Ron looking at a Cerberus. It looked like a three-headed dog, blinking and yawning as it looked at them, one of the heads began to growl as it looked between them. With a cry Draco forced the door back open and pulled everyone through. They were all just sitting on the cold stone floor in their nightclothes.

Whilst the other three were panicking Harry sat their thoughtful wondering if maybe the beast could be salvaged from the Light Lords grip to help aid Tom. But it was certainly time to report to him. Tomorrow night without fail he would contact Tom and tell him everything, well if he could find the time that is swamped in homework as he was.

They tiptoed all the way back, almost running into Professor Sprout, once they were back Hermione spoke up "Hey did anyone notice what that thing was standing on?" when they all looked over at her curiously she sighed.

"Well," Ron defended "we were a bit preoccupied with its head, did you notice it has three."

"It's a Cerberus." Harry added helpfully.

"Yes, but it was standing on a trap door." She said exasperated with them all.

"So, you think what we are looking for might be under there?" Harry asked her seriously.

"Well, I know what I saw and it is a possibility. We should report to the Dark Lord and tell him about this, or rather you should."

"Don't worry, I will and I can talk him round about you." Said Harry confidently. "Oh, and before I forget; what are you doing in the Library every evening?"

"Well if I am correct, and I will now by tomorrow lunch time, then I will tell you all about it. But until then my Young Lord would you permit me to keep it a secret? It would be so embarrassing if I was wrong."

"No need to be so formal, Hermione. And yes, sure, if it was important I am sure you would immediately tell me." He said with a warm smile, he knew as well as she did that she would never betray him.

"Thanks Harry." She said.

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