Flashbacks and a Dark Prince

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As the school entered November, it began to get very cold. The forest was turning white with frost and the lake's surface was now a cold grey steel. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows trudging around the grounds bundled up in a large mole skin overcoat, his beard covered with snow and frost. The Quidditch season at Hogwarts had begun on Saturday Harry would have his first ever match, Slytherin versus Gryffindor. If Slytherin won they would move up to second place in the championship.

Somehow the news that Harry was going to be the new seeker for the team had spread, everyone in his house had been so supportive and offered him tips. But the Gryffindor's on the other hand were horrendous. They would jeer at him in the halls and yell after him that they were going to be running around underneath him holding a mattress.

Harry would have cursed them all into oblivion if it weren't for his trio of friends, they were helping him through all his work that had piled up due to the amount of quidditch practice he had. They were gathered around a bright blue flame Hermione had conjured in a jam jar in the Slytherin common room, Harry pouring over Quidditch through the ages as Hermione and Draco tried for the sixteenth time to teach Ron the spell for healing cuts. They were in their usual seats by the fire, the atmosphere of the room was warm and cosy tonight. Harry was feeling very lethargic as he relaxed into the throne like chair he had claimed, the other Slytherins now hailed him as the Dark Prince, none of them aware of the irony.


Harry was walking through the grounds of Hogwarts, it was coming to the end of October, and the air was still warm enough for them to spend time outside. The Slytherins had made camp by the lake and up the gentle slope. There was a tree right at the top that over looked the whole lake and most of the castle, that was where he was headed. Neville had gotten there first and had already made camp there for Seamus and Dean, he was staring down at Harry with the look of a cornered mouse. Harry was itching for a fight; his trio were waiting for him at the foot of the hill and when he reached them fell into step behind him. They talked about the food they had managed to get from the kitchen thanks to the Twins and their last lesson. When they reached the top, without a warning, Harry wiped out his wand and sent a full body binding cures at Neville. He fell but didn't role down the hill, as the neared the top Harry said to Ron "Hey bring Longbottom over here." As he sat down on a nearby low rock, Neville was dragged over to Harry's feet and to everyone's astonishment Harry just lifted his feet and rested them on his back.

The other Slytherins down the little rise were laughing their heads off at Neville, Soon Seamus and Dean turned up and just stared at a minute before charging at the four, wands raised. Harry looked over at them from the corner of his eye and smirked "Really now, you think you can do anything?"

"How dare you?!" Dean screeched as he tried to shoot of a stunning spell, but before he could Harry had put up a shield and had a useful curse on the tip of his tongue, he had found it while staying with the Malfoys. It was inspired by Boggarts and forces the victim to experience their worst fear as if it was real. As soon as the stunning spell was deflected off into the woods the shield was pulled down and the curse was shot at the two. They immediately sank to their knees and began to shake, unable to utter a single sound. After the spell wore off they sat there catatonic until Draco put the body binding cures on them too and they were dragged over to a corner and left there

"So Ron, I was wondering something," Harry said whilst he picked up a plate, reaching for the ham sandwiches "when me and the Malfoys were walking towards platform 9 and ¾ we could hear your mum practically shouting about it in front of everyone. Why?"

"Well, I told you that over the summer that our mum was getting me and my siblings to help out with Dumble's plans, well one of them was for you to be dropped off at Kings cross but not know where you were meant to be going, then you would over hear Mum. She would be shouting about the platform and probably in an attempt to get your attention pretend she didn't know the platform number." Ron said partly through a mouthful of chicken. Harry gave them a thoughtful look as he finished his sandwich.

Soon it was time to go back and go to bed it was then that Harry finally let Seamus Dean and Neville go.

-End of Flashback-

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