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Justin's POV

Panick. No Justin their fine. No I'm panicking. Alfredo, Za, Twist and Mason are fucking gone and they won't answer their fucking phones. Fuck this shit right now. All I can do right now is panick. How the hell will Selena react to all of this?

I ringed a couple more times to all of their cellphones but none of them would answer. No fucking text message either.

I began pacing around the bus until my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, revealing a text message from an unknown person.

'Mason has a lot of energy. Makes him way more fun to kill. Hm, Alfredo? Pretty strong dude. A knife couldn't do him. A gun can. Za, he's hilarious. Did you know he cries? Twist is calm. For now. Good luck JB. You have 72 hours.'

Oh shit.. shit shit shit shit.

'Dont contact the cops. You'll regret it.'
~ TB.

TB? Who's TB? I can't even contact the freaking cops or who ever he or she is will hurt them. My son.. Mason.. shit.


Selena's POV

"Hello?" I answered Justin's call while dusting the dresser.

"Sel? Babe?" Justin cried and sniffled through the phone. I stopped dusting.

"Justin are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked. I'm worried.

"They- they took them. They took Mason. I- I don't know what to do.." Justin cried and I started panicking.

"Who took Mason!? What's wrong!? Justin what's going on!" I shouted through the phone.

"Somebody took the crew. They took Mason and threatened me not to call the cops or I'll regret it. I don't know what to do, I'm scared Selena. I have no idea where they could be!" Justin yelled through the phone and I heard a glass break.

"Okay Justin I'm coming.. meet me outside the tour bus. I won't take long." I said, almost about to cry.

I grabbed my keys and rushed out the house with Kendall. I took Demi with me since she was already at my house.

My baby.. what kind of monster is doing this?

It took us about two hours but we finally made it to the tour bus and found Justin sitting down on the steps crying.

"Justin?" I sniffled. He ran up to me and hugged me. This was no joke.
This is serious.

"I- I have someone to track the call. He's inside.. Let's go..." Justin stuttered and we all walked inside the tour bus. Justin's eyes were red and puffy but so were mine.

We walked inside finding a familiar looking guy sitting down with Justin's phone and some wires in his hand.

"You must be Selena. You don't need to worry about this, I think we have it all under control." The guy said.

"How is this under control! Who knows what that idiot is doing to Mason! Twist, Fredo and Za!" I fell back to the couch and poured out my tears.

"M-mom.. Is Mason gonna be okay?" Kendall stuttered while crying.

"H-he's gonna be fine. He's strong.." I sighed and Demi sat down next
to me as Justin comforted Kendall.

"Dad are you even worried for god sakes!?" Kendall yelled at Justin.

"You think I'm not? I'm freaking out right now but I don't want to explode so I don't worry anybody! It's gonna be okay.. just trust me on this." Justin said and walked up to the guy.

"Well I know your all worried right now but let me introduce myself. I'm Brent John. I work with some people who taught me to figure these kinds of problems out. For now we need everybody to stay calm and give me about one more minute and the text will be tracked." Brent answered and I sighed, not a good sigh. I'm still worried as hell.

"....... and here we go. The text came from the abandoned building on Save Street. Do you know anybody with the name starting with T and ending with B?" Brent asked me and Justin.

"All I could think of is Treya Brooks.
The chick who made me cheat on Selena a year ago." Justin said and Brent nodded.

"Alright, we can't go to the building alone. We need back up." Brent said.

"From where! We're in the middle of nowhere in California! I'm doing this alone. I want to see this son of a bitch suffer." Justin said as him and Brent ran out the bus and into the car.

They drove off.

Please god let everybody be okay..


Justin's POV

We finally reached the building.
It looked creepy like those old haunted house movies.

Fuck I shouldn't be thinking about this right now.

I got out the car and I was about to run in but Brent held me back.

"Your going in there without any weapons?" Brent questioned and handed me a gun.

I've only held one of these once but even if I risk my life, I won't let Mason get hurt.

Me and Brent quietly walked in the building. We split up. I walked against the walk, pointing the gun on whatever could pop up in front of me.

"Clear!" Brent shouted.

I searched around the building, nobody was here. This place was empty. Literally empty, no people, no furniture.

"Fuck!" I yelled angrily and dropped the gun. Where the hell did 'TB' go!

"Justin get up, we need to figure another plan out." Brent said and I sighed.

"I let Mason down. I let my friends down. I'm scared man. I always thought I was brave and I could never get scared but I'm scared." I confessed while leaning on the walk and sighing.

"Justin it's fine to be scared. Your not used to it because your a celebrity and these types of problems don't come up but I understand what you are going through. I will help you find your son and your friends, even if it takes my life but I'm not letting anybody take yours.
I'm with you man, we're in this together." Brent spoke and I sighed and got up.

"Let's go. We have about a day and a half to find them." I said and we both walked out the dark building as the bright sun hit our eyes.

Wherever you are Mason, I'll find you. I'll be your hero, and if my life gets taken away, just remember me as your hero.


Ooooh. Well this is different.

Do you think Justin is going to find Mason and the crew?

Who's 'TB'?

Do you remember Treya?

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