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Justin's POV

I looked up, past the stage, eyeing Selena. What the heck did I just do? Instead of fixing everything, I decided to yell at her because I'm a stupid stubborn idiot who can't control his mouth.

"God Justin work on yourself." I mumbled angrily to myself as I began heading over to Selena.

She looked up at me. "Yeah?" She whispered.

"Can we talk.. somewhere in private?" I questioned and she nodded as I took her hand and led her into my dressing room.

"So. Talk." Selena sighed as we both sat down and I began blabbing about how sorry I am.

"I really shouldn't of snapped at you. I know it wasn't your fault. It's hard for this family to ever be normal." I said.

"You have to understand, this family- we will never be normal. We aren't like normal people. We're not normal people. Not like this. Not ever." Selena looked down and I sighed, agreeing with her.

"I don't want us to keep fighting forever because lately, that's all we've been doing." I said quietly and Selena nodded.

"Are you really sick of me?" Selena asked quietly as she looked down on the floor.

"No, of course not. I was just in one of those angry moods of mine where I say the most dumbest things that I don't mean." I said and she nodded again.

"You need help. We need help. We can't keep arguing like this all the time. It's affecting us and the kids." Selena looked up at me.

"I know. We're not normal people." I sighed as I moved closer to Selena.

"But I'm not mad. I know I've made you feel guilty about Kendall's accident, and I'm sorry. I didn't know it affected you that much." Selena muttered enough to where I could hear.

"It affected me a lot, she's my daughter but don't say sorry to me because we all know I caused her accident." I sighed and Selena didn't reply.

"We should see a family therapist. Demi went to one once and she said it helped a lot.." Selena suggested and I nodded.

"When do you wanna do it then?" I agreed and she shrugged as she unlocked her phone and checked the schedules.

"How's tomorrow at two?" Selena suggested and I nodded my head 'yes' as she nodded also. It was quiet for a couple of seconds until she got up.

"Well I should go now. You need to change." Selena said but I chuckled and she looked at me confusedly.

"You've seen it all before." I smirked as she looked at me then blushed and smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully and left the room.


"Welcome Selena and Justin. Is Kendall and Mason going to be attending today's therapy session?" The therapist asked and I nodded my head as Kendall and Mason also walked into his office.

"Alright, please have a seat and we'll get this session started." The therapist said as all four of us sat on the red couch. "So how are you all today?" She asked.

"Fine." We all said and she nodded and grabbed out a clipboard with a paper on top.

"Good, good. So what we'll start with is emotions. How have you all been feeling for the past month?" She asked.

"Stressed." Kendall answered for all of us and I agreed. We have been stressed for the past month.

"Yes indeed I agree you all are stressed with the accidents, the fame, all the things that happen around you." She started saying. "So how do you guys usually let out all your anger? Be honest." She said.

"I yell." I confessed.

"I argue." Kendall confessed.

"I ignore it." Mason confessed.

"I don't know." Selena shrugged and sighed as she looked down.

"It's okay not to know. You could just hold your anger in at times and it's totally normal. So Selena and Justin, you have been arguing a lot lately, is that true?" She asked.

"Yeah.." I answered as the therapist wrote down stuff in her clipboard and we waited for her to go on.

"I'm pretty positive that it's because of Kendall's accident. Right?" The therapist questioned.

"Yeah that's true." I said and Kendall shifted uncomfortably in hear seat.

"Kendall, sweetly, is something currently bothering you? You could be honest here. It's your time to talk." The therapist said.

"I just feel like the whole thing is my fault. I mean, it practically is. I spilled something out to the paparazzi and if I hadn't, the whole accident wouldn't of happened and we all could of been happy. They would of never started fighting." Kendall confessed and I instantly felt bad.

"Kendall it isn't your fault, it's my fault for yelling at you. I should of been more calm on you." I confessed.

"The best thing is for everybody to take blame on this cause. None of you should blame one another because you all have at least 25% of the blame, even if you feel like you did nothing wrong." The therapist and Selena nodded. "Now, if Kendall and Mason could leave the room, id like to speak with your parents." The therapist said and they both nodded as they left the room, leaving me and Selena alone with the therapist.

"So, I'd like to talk to you both about your personal lives. This may seem uncomfortable but when was the last time you both had any sexual interaction?" The therapist and Selena looked nervous but shook it off.

"About a month ago.." Selena answered nervously as I looked shyly on the ground.

"Well, that's about 10% part of the reason why you both have been arguing. You haven't shared your love with each other in a month." The therapist said and we nodded.


"Well that was weird." Selena said as we all got inside the car and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah I know." I nodded as I began to drive home in silence. Awkward silence and tension.


Kendall and Mason went out, of course Kylie was driving since Kendall wasn't ready and it was only me and Selena in the house.

"So..." Selena said awkwardly as we walked into our room and she hung up her coat.


Anywho, tell me what you think :)

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