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Selena's POV

It's been two days and the cruise was over. We got stopped at a hotel in Mexico and from there, we took a plane back to California.

"Home, finally." I sighed. My fever was cooled now. I had a small cold but it wasn't that bad.

"I know." Justin said, shutting the door behind us as Kendall and Mason walked in front of us.

"I need to pick up my jacket from Demi's house." I groaned.

"Why can't you do it tomorrow?" Justin asked me.

"Demi's visiting her parents tomorrow." I sighed and Justin nodded.

"Do you want me to go instead?" Justin asked and I shook my head.

"No, it's fine." I grabbed my bag and Justin's car keys since I didn't feel like talking mine.

"Can I go with you mom?" Mason asked.

"Sure baby." We both walked out the door and got in the car. Mason sat by me in the passenger seat.

"My birthdays in a week." Mason said as I began driving to Demi's house.

And sadly, that's all I remember before I saw headlights shine over my car and I felt myself flying until everything blacked out.


"Selena?" I heard a voice call from my left side. I opened my eyes to a recognized room.

It was the hospital.

"Oh my god. What happened?" I stood up from the hospital bed as the doctor looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"A drunk driver hit you on the road. I'm so sorry, your son passed away an hour ago." He said.

I swear to god, my heart dropped to the floor.

"Your lying!" Tears spilled from my eyes and I tried to jump out the bed but a nurse held on to me.

"Selena, please calm down. Everything will be alright." The doctor tried to calm me down.

"Be alright? Are you fucking crazy! Mason died because of me! I want my son back!" I cried hysterically.

"It wasn't your fault. It was the drunk driver. He's going to jail, please be calm. Would you like your husband in the room? He's waiting outside." The doctor said and I nodded.

A minute later, Justin walked in.

I couldn't help but grab him and cry into his chest.

"I-I'm sorry I killed Mason." I cried even more. He looked like he's been crying also.

"You didn't kill him S-Sel.. okay?" Justin wiped my tears but I cried again.

I can't believe any of this.

I didn't know losing somebody you love could be so hard. I didn't think I could ever imagine Mason dying.

I couldn't handle myself anymore. I couldn't think straight.

All I wanted to do was kill myself.


It's been two days. Two days since Masons death and two days since I've been out the hospital.

Why couldn't of I died instead? Why did it have to be a poor innocent child?

"Sel, tomorrow's the funeral." Justin spoke up. His voice was cracked. He's been crying.

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