'Our Fault'

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"Justin we can't keep this a secret forever! We need to tell them!" Demi sharply whispered in my ear as we walked to the beach.

"We will! Just not now! I'm not ready! Plus they won't even react much, we were drunk as fuck." I whispered back and she scoffed and rolled her eyes. What is with this chick?

"No Justin I'm gonna tell them with or with out you." Demi whispered back, making my eyes widen. Is she crazy? She began walking off but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back without nobody noticing.

"Fine! We'll tell them. Not now though. After we leave the beach." I whispered and she slightly nodded her head. I'm guessing she was nervous but I felt way more nervous. God knows what could happen.


"Justin stop!" Selena laughed as I kept splashing her with water. I still had a guilty feeling, but I had to hide it.

I picked Selena's legs and wrapped them around my waist. The water was cool but not that cool. The sun was shining on it making the water feel perfect.

"I'm so lucky to have a guy like you, J." Selena smiled. God she's making me feel so guilty. I practically cheated on her and I'm keeping it from her. I mean.. she'll know soon but ugh seeing the happy look on her eyes. I can't lose her. I love her.

"I'm lucky to have a girl like you Sel." I smirked as I dropped her in the water and ran off while she was angry but started laughing and chasing me.

"I'm too fast for you babe." I smirked and she rolled her eyes as she splashed me with water. God. Why was I so drunk.


"Okay um me and Demi need to talk to you guys." I nervously spoke as Alfredo and Selena looked at us weirdly but they sat down anyway. This is gonna be harder than I thought.

"About what?" Selena asked curiously as me and Demi sighed and I itched the back of my neck. I do that a lot when I'm nervous.

"Okay remember yesterday when we went to the club and we had lots to drink..?" Demi started saying and my heart was beating faster and faster nervously.

"Yeah.. what about it?" Alfredo asked confused. I could tell by Selena's face she was worried also.

"Me and Demi slept with each other that night." I blurted out then widened my eyes at my stupidity. Demi looked scared as ever but I couldn't read Selena and Alfredo's faces.

"You fucking manwhore!" Alfredo said and punched me. Okay I deserved that but I'm not going to let him hit me like that.

"Alfredo stop!" Demi yelled and pushed him back away from me as Selena came up to me and slapped me. Hard.

Okay. I deserved that to.

"Babe I was drunk! We were both drunk! I hardly remember even being with her until I woke up!" I said as I followed her into our room.

"Don't you dare call me babe. How do I even believe you were drunk! And why didn't you tell me this! And with my own best friend! You two fucking betrayed me!" Selena shouted and started packing her things.

"Don't you dare fucking leave! I was drunk!" I said and grabbed her arm away from the suit case, not hurting her though.

"I'm not going to stay here. If your so sick of me, leave me in the first place. I'm sick of forgiving you every time you cheat on me." Selena gritted through her teeth and yanked her arm but I was furious. My body didn't want to let this go.

I grabbed her and pushed her to the wall as I grabbed her legs around me and kissed her harshly. She was surprised at first but calmed down.

"You will not leave me again. I was drunk and I don't remember anything." I sharply snapped at her, she wasn't scared though.

"Oh really? You think I'm not gonna leave Justin? Watch me." Selena said and tried getting down from me but I held her legs tighter to my body. This is not how I expected things to end,

"No I'm not going to watch you walk out that door. How many times do I have to say it was a mistake? I was drunk!" I snapped quietly without making any other rooms hear us.

"How do you expect me to forgive you Justin! I don't know how I'm even taking all this in. Why can't you control yourself when your drunk! You can't always hurt me like this.." Selena let a tear fall as her back was still on the wall while her legs were on my waist.

"I don't know why I can't control myself and I'm sorry. I really mean it! I didn't even think it was Demi.. I thought it was you when I woke up so I was calm but it wasn't you and I'm sorry!" I almost shouted and she rolled her eyes.

"I can't do this right now. Just let me go." Selena said but I wasn't going to until she forgives me.

"No Sel! I'm not letting you go! You know this was a mistake so why are you so pissed off!" I shouted, asking her.

"Because even when your drunk you forget all about me! God knows if you cheat on me without being drunk." Selena said and I let her body go as we both sat on the bed.

"I don't cheat on you! I'm with you all day and how could I even cheat when paparazzi stalks me everyday!" I shouted and she flinched a little.

"So what your saying is that, if paparazzi didn't follow you, you would cheat on me?" Selena asked and scoffed as she stood up but I brought her back down.

"No! That's not what I'm trying to say! What I'm saying is that I won't and will never cheat on you!" I stated and she stayed quiet.

"I don't know if I should be mad at you right now. I know you were drunk but I just don't know. It hurts knowing you and Demi..." Selena started but cut herself off.

"Hey, look. I know what I did was a mistake." I picked up her chin and looked into her eyes. "You know I would never hurt you. I love you. Yesterday was a mistake. I was being my drunk self and I'm sorry but you need to know that it isn't just my fault. It's our fault. It was our decision to go to the club and we both knew we were getting drunk."

"Justin you can't be blaming this on me right now. I know it isn't your fault and I know it was the alcohol but out of everybody, it had to be my best friend?" Selena silently cried and I pulled her close to me.

"I can't do this right now.." Selena quickly wiped her tears and stormed out the room. God, why do I have to be such an idiot!

I sighed and walked out the room, as if nothing happened and walked inside of Ryan and Chaz's room and Kendall, Mason and their friends were also in the room.

"Woah man what crawled up your ass and died?." Chaz joked and I rolled my eyes as I flopped on the couch.

"Hey what's up with mom? She ran out your room crying." Kendall said and I slightly re positioned myself.

"Oh uh we just had an argument." I lied. It kind of was a huge fight. Kendall looked at me weirdly.

"You sure? Because she usually never cries during your arguments." Kendall said suspiciously and I stood up.

"I'm sure." I sighed and walked out of the room knowing exactly where I was going, even if it could cause way more drama.

Alfredo and Demi's room.















Lol at my weird design ^

Okay so Jelena's back. I'm pretty positive and so is everybody else. Have you seen their dance video yet? If you haven't, search "Jelena" on Instagram hashtags and you'll see it.

Anyways, I'm so happy. Like I've been waiting forever for them to get back together. YAAAAAAAY,

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