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Selena's POV

It's been two months and I was 100 % pregnant. My bump is small but you can see it and the media and Scooter finally know about the baby.

We told the media by posting a short video of me and Justin and we explained everything. Everyone seemed really nice about it, other than the haters but we ignored all of them.

Scooter wasn't too pleased to find out I was pregnant. He was angry and pissed off at us. He told us we were irresponsible and he told us we were too young to have a third kid. Justin finally convinced him on how it will make publicity and Justin's career better and Scooter finally supported us on the new baby.

"Hey babe are you ready?" Justin asked me. I was changing because Justin was nominated for "Male Hottie" and "Best Music" award at the award show we were going to. We had to get ready early because it was a 6 hour drive to the award show.

"Yeah let me just pack the last bag." I finished putting my outfit for the award show in the duffle bag and I made sure Kendall and Mason were ready.

"Okay I'll put the things in the car and Selena just sit down since your stressed enough." Justin laughed a little and I stepped in the passenger seat while Kendall and Mason got in and Justin put the last bag in the trunk. He walked to the drivers seat, shut the door and began driving.

"How's your stomach feeling?" Justin asked and I shrugged. I wasn't having too much pain since it was really early but I get pain once in a while.

"I'm fine." I gave Justin a small smile to convince him to stop worrying about me for a little.

"Okay. This is gonna be a long drive." Justin sighed and made himself comfortable.

"Why couldn't we just take a plane?" Mason asked from the back of the car.

"The private jet wasn't available and I think driving would be a little more fun then sitting on a plane." I said and Mason nodded.

"Mom?" Kendall questioned.


"When are we gonna find out the gender of the baby?"

"Two more months." I smiled and Kendall did so. I'm guessing she was a bit excited for the baby.

"What time is it?" Justin asked and I pulled out my phone and pressed the lock screen to check the time.

"Almost 3 AM." I replied back to Justin.

"Why did we have to wake up so early?" Kendall groaned and flopped on her seat.

"They wanted us to be there around 9 or 10. They said we can rest for 4 hours and then they'll do your make up and we'll walk the red carpet." Justin told Kendall.

"Can we stop at McDonald's then? I didn't eat anything." Kendall said.

"Sure Ken." Justin said and he started laughing. "I sound like Barbie talking to Ken." Justin started hysterically laughing and we all looked at him weirdly but shrugged it off.

"Justin are you okay?" I laughed slightly at him.

"What? Yeah- yeah I'm fine." Justin had a straight face but then started laughing again.

We finally reached McDonalds and we hurried out the car to leave Justin's laughter. Thankfully, he stopped laughing as we walked inside.

We ordered our food and sat in a small booth in the corner of the place to avoid paparazzi outside. Why are they even awake this late?

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