'My Fault'

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Justin's POV

As we stepped foot in the house, cool air hit me. I guess the heat was off while we were gone. I currently still have no idea who told the press about the Demi incident. I plan on finding out, because who ever did it, broke my trust with them. They can't keep this secret forever.

"Sel, can you pass me my laptop? They should have who ever told the press about the Demi stuff." I asked as Selena shoved the laptop in my hands - angrily. What's up with her?

I changed the subject in my head and opened my laptop as I began to type "Justin Bieber" in the google search bar as it gave me all the news about - me.

"Justin Bieber - Caught on vacation with family and friends"

"Justin Bieber - Sleeping with Selena's best friend, Demi Lovato"

"Justin Bieber and Alfredo Flores. Sounds like trouble! Yikes."

I clicked on the second link as it switched the page to a whole- literally article about the whole situation. I rolled my eyes and began reading, as I slowly began to find out who told the press about me and Demi. I scrolled lower, finally it took me to a video of Kendall, Jaden and Kylie walking to Starbucks in the video.

"Ryan told me that my dad was drunk two days ago and slept with Demi" Kendall clearly said in the video.

I angrily shut the laptop, hard. I took deep breathes before I walked downstairs to Mason, Kendall and Selena sitting on the couch. I walked over to her and she looked at me weirdly.

"So you did it huh. You blurted out that I slept with Demi." I questioned and she scrunched her nose as she looked over back at me.

"Dad? What are you talking about?" Kendall asked and I could feel Mason scared a little. I was angry. I couldn't help it.

"When we were at the airport! You fucking told your friends about the incident and paparazzi heard it all! Couldn't you keep your mouth shut! There was people all around!" I yelled at her - regretting it. She flinched back and Selena stood up.

"Justin! Calm down and stop yelling at her. She didn't know!" Selena shouted in my face and Kendall angrily grabbed her keys and stormed out the house.

"I should be the fucking one storming out the house right now!" I yelled and tried to catch up to Kendall but Selena pulled me back.

"Justin! Calm yourself! It was a mistake and you scared your own daughter out of the house! What is wrong with you?" Selena questioned and I sighed and calmed down. God, I always let anger take control of me.

"I'm sorry- I just- I don't know what got to me. I didn't want anybody knowing about this." I sighed and Selena just walked off. Seriously? What is wrong with her?

"Mase, I-" I started saying to Mason but he ran off. Did I over react that much that I even scared Mason?

Well fuck.


Selena's POV

I walked off, taking a break from Justin's yelling and annoyance. I walked up to my room since I heard my phone buzzing on the nightstand and I picked it up.

Selena: Hello?

Caller: Hello, is this the residence of Selena and Justin Bieber?

Selena: Yes. Why?

Caller: Your daughter is Kendall Bieber, is that correct?

Selena: Yes..

Caller: We'd like you and your spouse at the hospital immediately. Kendall has recently gotten into another car accident, but it is worse this time.

Selena: I- I'm on my way!

I quickly hung up the phone and ran down the stairs grabbing Justin and Mason into the car. They both looked at me weirdly but I ignored it.

"What's going on?" Justin asked as he put on his seatbelt and so did Mason. I stuttered to answer but I did.

"K-Kendall. She was in another car accident." I said while tears slipped out of my eyes, making it hard for me to see the road.

"Get out of the car." Justin said and we both switched side so that he as driving since I couldn't focus on the road anymore.

"Is she okay?" Mason asked while currently sobbing in his seat.

"I- I don't know Mase." I stuttered and I noticed Justin's eye turning a little watery as we parked at the hospital private parking.

We rushed inside the hospital, looking for the stand where they take us to the rooms.

"K-Kendall. Kendall Bieber." Justin stuttered to say but managed it. The man typed in the name and told us the room number as we rushed inside the room, finding another doctor inside.

"Please take a seat, I don't know if you will take this easily." The doctor said and I felt my heart drop as I slowly sat down.

"Kendall was driving, well speeding to be exact. I'm guessing she was stressed over something because paparazzi caught tape where she was crying in her car. Eventually, her car fell off the bridge, making her land into the water but we quickly removed her body and car. She was breathing, so she isn't passed but unfortunately she is in a coma." The doctor said and Justin clenched his fists as I felt my body go weak.

"Giving her past car accident, she suffered a lot of injuries making this accident a little bit worse. We won't be sure how long this coma can last but she most likely could pass away at a moment." The doctor said and everything just went black.

I blacked out.


"Sel, Wake up!" I heard somebody say, Justin. For some reason, something made me want to be away from him.

"Don't touch me!" I said, backing away from him, shocking him and Mason. I sat a chair away from him.

"What? What did I do!?" Justin almost shouted. I could even tell he was crying also.

"You! You caused all of this! If you never yelled at her, she would of never left the house or gotten into any accident!" I cried out, making Justin feel guilty.

Justin then stormed out of the hospital room and I sat closer to Kendall, holding her hand and praying. Why does this always happen to her?

Why does she always end up getting hurt?


Justin's POV

"Dude! What the fuck happened?" Chaz asked running inside the waiting area with Ryan, Demi, Fredo, Za and Twist.

"She, she- Kendall- she was in another car accident. She's in a c-coma." I stuttered as I broke down in the chair and buried my face in my hands as I began crying.

This is all my fault.

"Justin, it's gonna be okay.." Ryan said, trying to comfort me but it didn't help at all.

"No it isn't! It's all my fucking fault. I yelled at her! I scared my own daughter off and she left! That's how she got into an accident! Because of me! Selena and Mason don't want to be near me anymore! I messed up my fucking life." I shouted as I got stares from people but I ignored it.

"Justin! You are stronger than to blame yourself on this! Yes you yelled at her but you shouldn't be thinking about that, you should be praying for her. Believing she'll make it. She's the most strongest 16 year old ever. She survived the last accident, she'll survive this one." Alfredo told me and i calmed down but I was still crying.

It's all your fault Justin. You idiot.

My head kept telling me. It is my fault.


Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated!

Anyways, wow! Kendall got into ANOTHER car accident and this time she is in a coma.

Do you think she will make it this time?

Will Selena always want Justin away from her?

What happens if Kendall dies?

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