All of Me

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4 Months Later;

Selena's POV

I still couldn't believe I had one more month until my baby girl was born. It was all a rush to me. Everything happened so fast. Time flew and I didn't even realize. What sucks is that me and Justin are back to constantly arguing again and I know it isn't from my pregnancy. We obviously just aren't mean to stay calm to each other.

"Justin just leave me alone and let me relax. Can't you see I'm stressed enough?" I pointed to my belly.

Currently, I was in another argument with Justin. It was for the stupidest reason too. Justin was pissed off that I hardly go anywhere with him and I'm pregnant so he's obviously being stupid and stuck up.

"Fine. It's not like anybody even wanted you to come anyways." Justin rolled his eyes and left the room.

"You literally were just begging me five minutes ago you idiot." I shouted from out the room.

"Fuck you!" I heard Justin yell. I sighed and hit my back on the bed.

Why can't I just have a perfect relationship with him? Why do we argue so damn much. Of course we're not leaving each other, these are daily arguments but I hate it. I hate how we were fine a month ago and now we're constantly shouting at each other.

I stood up carefully and walked downstairs. I feel so much fatter now, it's unbelievable.

Finally making it downstairs, I found Justin on his phone in the kitchen while he sat on top of the counter eating Oreos.

"What do you want?" Justin annoydely asked.

"I'm not here to talk to you so stop." I snapped at him and took out a sandwich from the fridge.

I heard a loud sigh from Justin. "Babe, I'm sorry." He jumped off the counter and hugged me from behind.

"Now your sorry? That argument was stupid and you know it." I took his arms off my waist.

"I know I'm sorry I was mad." Justin sighed and grabbed my hand.

"Please don't get mad again for a stupid reason." I let go of the sandwich and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Did you realize your bump separates us?" Justin chuckled slightly but stopped after I had a straight face.

"One more month." I sighed and rested my head on Justin's shoulder.

"It'll go by fast. Trust me." Justin pressed his lips onto mine and asked for an entrance.


"Push Selena!" Justin shouted. I pushed the nightstand to the corner of the room.

"It sounded like I was giving birth." I laughed a little and sat down.

"What the heck Sel?" Justin laughed also and sat by me.

"I'm so bored." I whined and spread my legs out on Justin's lap.

"What do you wanna do?" Justin asked and massaged my legs.

"Something we never do. Let's post a video on YouTube. Maybe us doing a challenge. Something different." I shrugged.

"We could do a cover together." Justin suggested.

"I don't really like singing in front of people nor you." I shrugged.

"Sel you have a gorgeous voice. Please?" Justin almost begged.

"Fine. What song?" I asked.

"All of Me by John Legend."


"What would I do without your smart mouth,

Drawing me in and you kicking me out.

You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down." Justin sang and I nervously sang the next part.

"What's going on in that beautiful mind,

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright." I nervously sang and me and Justin began doing the pre chorus together.

"My heads underwater but I'm breathing fine.

Your crazy and I'm out of my mind.

Cause all of me loves all of you." We both sang.

"Love your curves and all your edges." Justin sang.

"All your perfect imperfections." I sang more confident now.

"Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you." Justin sang.

"You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning." I sang.

"Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh oh." Me and Justin ended the song and the video and I began getting nervous again.

"Holy shit Sel you did so good." Justin kissed my cheeck.

"Are you just saying that?"

"No I swear. You have such a good voice, trust me." Justin began uploading the video.

"Everyone's gonna hate it I bet." I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

"Babe I swear you did fine. Look, even the comments say you did good." Justin pointed at the laptop.

"People already commented?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. They're fast." Justin said and I read all the comments. Thankfully they were all good except the hatred comments.

"Why do some people think we posted this for more fame and money? I could care less about that." I sighed.

"Don't you get it? They're all jealous. They don't have a good voice as you do and they want to be you. They'll put you down to get a reaction but ignore them." Justin intertwined his fingers in mine.

"I love you." I pecked his lips.

"Love you more baby."


"Shouldn't you pack your hospital bag?" Demi questioned as we sat in my bedroom.

"I packed it already. I knew you'd ask though."

"Oh my god I saw your cover and you sang so good! You need to sing often." Demi squealed.

"Maybe me and you can do a song together." I said and she nodded eagerly.

"So when's the baby due?" She asked.

"August 3rd. Next month." I smiled eagerly. I couldn't hold in my excitement.


Hi babies. Sorry it's short.


And hint for the next chapter: Newborn. ;)



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