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"Sel, talk to me! I'm sorry! Why can't you just forget about all this, I'll stop doing smoking weed." I said and she scoffed.

"Stop? Justin don't say promises you won't keep. You promised last time that you weren't going to do it anymore but you still did." Selena said and sat down on the couch.

"I know, I'm an idiot and I'm stubborn and stupid and a bad influence but I'm sorry and when I say sorry, I mean it." I sighed and sat next to Selena.

"Your not a bad influence, your not stupid or stubborn. You are an idiot though." Selena giggled at the last part and I smiled, finally seeing her smile.

"So are you still mad?" I asked and she nodded her head 'no'. Thank god.

"It's too hard to stay mad at a smile like that." Selena said and squeezed my cheeks as if I'm a little kid.

"Sel stop." I chuckled and wrapped her arms around my neck as I grabbed her waist closer to me.

"I love you." I whispered in her ear, making she shiver a little. I have that affect on people.

"Love you too." Selena smiled and dug her face in my neck. I hate it when we argue.

"I have to go talk to Kendall. She was really pissed off at me today." I said and Selena bit her lip, nodding.

Turn on.

I walked upstairs, and opened Kendall's door, finding her video chatting Jaden on her laptop.

"Hey J, I'll call you back." Kendall said and closed the laptop.

"Hey....." I said awkwardly and sat on her chair that hangs from the wall.

"I am currently not speaking to you right now." Kendall said clearly.

"Uh should of thought about that. You just spoke to me." I smirked and she groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You are one sassy person. When you were 4, you were literally the same." I said and Kendall didn't do anything.

"So why are you here?" She asked, changing the subject.

"I'm here to say sorry about what I did, I know it was a stupid idea to do it again and yeah. Sorry." I tried my best to say.

"You know you suck at apologizing." Kendall said and I laughed a little.

"I'm not used to apologizing to teenagers." I said and Kendall laughed a little.

"Why'd you do it?" Kendall asked. "Why'd you smoke weed when you know it could kill you?"

"I don't know. Twist always has a way to make me want more so I did it." I said and Kendall nodded.

"I was so close to Twist, now I'm scared to be around him. What if one day he convinces me to do that stuff with him?" Kendall asked and scrunched my nose.

"Just don't listen to him. Stay with your friends and your boyfriend, and if he's there with you, ignore him." I said and she nodded.

"Okay." Kendall said and I nodded.

"So we good?" I asked. I got up from the chair and Kendall stood up also.

"We're good daddy poo." Kendall said and I laughed at what she called me. I hugged her and went back downstairs finding Selena sitting on the couch.

"Is she still mad?" Selena asked as she went in the backyard and I followed her.

"Nope. It's all good mamacita." I smirked and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Don't call me that." Selena said and I chuckled and sat down on the swing couch.

I decided to go on Twitter and see what everybody was talking about today.

Bieber's Weed was trending. I scoffed and pressed on the trend, finding photo shopped pictures of me doing weed.

I decided to tweet:

@.justinbieber: I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, and this one was a definite mistake. Sorry for disappointing all my Beliebers. I love you all.

I pressed the tweet button and started receiving mentions like crazy. One tweet caught my eye and I decided to read it and reply.

@.justinbieber, we all make mistakes, it's part of being HUMAN. Thanks for caring for us.

By: @.kingkidrauhl (fake name).

@.justinbieber to @.kingkidrauhl. thanks for supporting me. love you.

I tweeted and she started freaking out so I chuckled and followed her to make her more happy. I replied to more tweets and locked my phone, finding Selena inside the pool. I didn't even notice her change.

"When did you get in there?" I asked and Selena chuckled.

"Like 20 minutes ago but you were tweeting." Selena laughed a little, so did I.

Thank god all the drama is handled.

For now..


Again sorry it's short, I'm having writers block.

I'm feeling so insecure about myself lately it's weird. I get so jealous of pretty girls and I look at myself seeing a big blob of ugly. Ugh. Why can't I be pretty like other girls. :/

Updating soon x

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