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You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn. You like Lasercorn.....

"LEX!" Mari broke me from my thoughts. "I'm sorry. I spaced out." I said. "I was telling you that me and my boyfriend were going on a date and I was thinking about making it a double date. I was gonna see if you and Lasercorn could come along." She said.

"Why me and him?" I asked bitterly. "I mean not that I wouldn't be up for it but like what if someone saw us and thought we were actually dating? Especially since I'm dating someone already." I said.

"Yeah you're right. Its just that I already asked Courtney and Olivia and that rules out the girls apart from you." She said. "Its ok though I'll see if my friends outside of smosh can." She sighed. "Hey I can check and see if my boyfriend is fine with it. I'll tell him it's meaningless and I'm just doing it for a friend." I say feeling bad and also wanting to go out with Lasercorn.

"Really? Thanks dude this will be so amazing! I'm glad you're doing this for me." She says and hugs me. She runs off in the opposite direction of us and I sit there for a moment. "What the hell did I just do?" I murmured to myself.

Not only am I about to go on a date with Lasercorn but my boyfriend is never going to let me. But I mean I already kinda agreed. I took out my phone and pulled up my messages between me and him.

Me: hey bby! My friend needs me to go on a double date with her and her bf and one of the guys at work. Its absolutely meaningless and its just to help her out.

Seth: umm No! Why would I let my gf go out with some guy from your work. I'm not dumb it's obviously not just a "double date" its because you like this guy.

Seth: you aren't allowed.

Me: ALLOWED? You aren't my dad? I was nice enough to check to see if you would be upset but telling me I'm not "allowed"? Wtf like I'm my own person and you aren't the boss of me.

Seth: you better not go on that date.

Me: read 2:39 p.m.

Seth: you better listen to me.

Me: read 2:41 p.m.

That was the last I talked to him all week. I actually blocked his number because I was so done with him. I'm going to break it off sometime soon. I can't keep doing this. The fighting, his moody additude, his drinking habits. I'm just so over it. Not to mention what was going on while I was there.


Seth should be home soon. I knew he wouldn't be happy. He was always upset on Wednesdays. He never really said why but I knew he'd probably pick a fight. I would stand my ground and not let it get to me. I know he doesn't mean any of it. He's drunk normally when we fight.

I sat on the couch watching friends in my Pj's and lightly drumming my fingers against my thighs. Just as I was dozing off I heard his car door slam. I popped up and looked towards the door. I heard his footsteps not too heavy walk towards the door.

I put my head down and pretended to be asleep. I was doubtful he would mess with me if I appeared to be sleeping. I heard the door open and then the door slam. I could tell he turned the light on. I blew out light breaths and continued my act. I heard alot of things move around.

All of a sudden I felt my body be shaken. I opened my eyes to see him. He looked like he had just smoked some weed and his face was inches from mine. "Get the hell up." He spoke to me with sourness in his voice. He backed away and looked at him confused. I sat up and crossed my arms.

"Where have you been all night?" I asked. "Out." He said lowly. "Are you gonna tell me why you woke me up." I said. "No reason." He said. "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm dead asleep and you wake me up for the fun of it?" I was getting angry. I could see the look in his eyes darken.

"You don't think I know this but you're a fucking pot head. I know you go get high every Wednesday night and youthink I'm just your clueless little bitch." My voice sounded hoarse.

Before I could even tell what was going on Seth had me by the throat pinned against a wall. "Shut up you slut!" He screamed in my face. I was terrified of him at this point. "You're just a video game nerd just shut the fuck up you whore." And then I felt his hand collide with my face. That was the first time he'd ever hit me.

~end flashback~

I had hoped and prayed that it was the last time I would be hit by him but it wasn't. There was even one time he drug me by the hair from our room out to the kitchen. I had to get out of that environment. I told him I needed to see my brother for alittle while. I said I missed him and he missed me and that I would be back in a few months.

That's obviously a lie though. I'm going to break it off. Not have him come and visit or anything. I didn't need or want my pothead, alcoholic, abusive, soon to be ex-boyfriend meet my overprotective, sweet, sugar addict brother. That sounds like a bad mix.

I'm so sorry that this was so awful to her. But it makes sense to the story and yeah. I hope nobody gets triggered by this that would make me wanna kms.

So this for some

Destroying everything {Lasercorn}Where stories live. Discover now