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I walked inside the door and looked to see Lasercorn and Alexis on the couch. They were kissing and a moment later they were separated and sitting on opposite sides of the couch.

"H-hey Wes." She said nervously. "Hey Alexis. Lasercorn." I said. I could tell they were scared about what I would say. At least Alexis was. I'm sure Lasercorn is aware that us having that talk the day we took her around the city was permission so in the future if they wanted to date they could.

I smiled at them and then went into the kitchen. I got a water and sat down on the chair next to the couch. "So how long have you been together?" I asked. Lex looked to me and tgen to Lasercorn confusion showing. "Since the day after the bar night....." she said looking at me skeptically. "Wow thats been what? 1 and a half weeks?" I giggled slightly.

I could feel the awkward in the air. It went silent after that. "Yeah......and you're not upset about us dating or anything?" She asked. "Nope why would I. I mean it was bound to happen. I knew Lasercorn liked you. You liked Lasercorn. Eventually you would've started dating." I said.

She smiled at Lasercorn widely and then back at me and then her face dropped. "Don't tell anyone. We aren't ready to really go public." She said. "No worries I won't tell anyone. You see I kept the secret that I knew how the other felt for you so I've got this." I said. She smiled and shook her head at me.

"You're the best sibling a kid could ask for." She said before moving back over by Lasercorn. Lasercorn put his arm around her. I smiled at them and then went into my room. I'm glad they started dating. They are cute with eachother and then also I could just see it happening even if I didn't know they already liked eachother.

That and I know Lasercorn would never intentionally hurt her. He's a good guy and would never try to hurt someone. Alot of the time it's unintentional. I could tell they both were happy.


I'm glad that Wes isn't upset. I thought he would feel weird about us dating or at least give Lasercorn a talk about hurting me. I don't think he would but its always possible. I snuggled into his side and we watched some more tv. He eventually left and I decided to go for a walk. I told Wes I was going so he wouldn't be wondering where I was.

I walked out of the neighborhood and I went by a small coffee shop. I got a iced coffee and sat down for awhile. I made my way out with my coffee in my hand and phone in the other. As I walked out of the door I collided with someone else. I stumbled backwards and caught my balance before falling. I spilled alittle bit of coffee from what I saw and looked up to reveal a guy with coco brown hair and glasses.

He had soft brown eyes and a kind smile. I was frozen but managed to say sorry. "No thats ok its my fault." He said and got napkins to help clean up the spill. "I'm Damien. You know, You know you look vaguely familiar. Whats your name?" He asked me. "I'm Alexis. Umm you may know me from Smosh or my personal Youtube channel." I said. "Oh! You work with Shayne!" He said. "Shayne is one of my best friends." He explained.

"Thats cool. We should like try and trick him and have you come into work with me as a friend and like you deny knowing Shayne at all. Like anything he says to try and make you believe you know him you just say like no or you don't know him. I feel like that would be lots of fun." I said.

"That would be cool. Here's my number and we could maybe come up with a day to do that." He smiled writing his number on a napkin. "I'll text you soon!" I said and walked out. I continued walking and then made my way back home after an hour. I walked up the driveway seeing another car there. It wasn't Lasercorns but I did recognize it.

I walked inside seeing Joven and Wes on the couch playing a game. "Oh hey Joven I didn't expect to see you here. How have you been?" I asked. "Oh hey Lex. I've been good. I've been kicking your brothers ass." He said. "It was one round." Wes groaned. "Jiven keep your head in the game and don't get cocky or you'll lose." Said walking to the kitchen getting me a water.

"Aye aye captin." He said. "Don't say that to me or I'll make you walk the fucking plank." I said in a serious tone. Wes laughed as he won the round. "I'm going up to my room don't bother me unless its a dire emergency unless you don't want to have a tongue anymore!" I called as I walked up to my room.

"Your sisters crazy." I heard Joven say to Wes. "I heard that!" I said and heard him yelp. Its great knowing people fear you. I sat on my bed giving damien s wuick text making sure I had the right number and then I got my guitar and decided to learn a song or two.

You might say i had a bit of writers block near the end of this chapter but oh wellz also. A Wild Damien appears!

T h a t s a l l f o l k s ! ! ! !

Destroying everything {Lasercorn}Where stories live. Discover now