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Another week went by me doing the same old same old and then we got an announcement that we were going to do smosh summer games. I was excited since it was the first games I'd be apart of and the long road trip I'd have hopefully next to my boyfriend. That probably wasn likely. They apparently do the seating arrangements different every year. This year they were doing a drawing for the cars.

I drew a car 1 and wemt and sat in the farthest row by the window putting on my headphones. The car filled up it was Courtney, Mari, Sohinki, Shayne, Ian, Joe, and Joven. I was upset that Lasercorn wasn't in my car. I got on my phone feeling it buzz.

Lasercorn: I miss my smosh bestie😢

Me: I miss you too. It sucks we aren't in the same car.

"Who are you texting?" Courtney put the camera on me. "Oh just Lasercorn. I was hoping we'd get the same car." I frowned. "Haha you guys are best friends." She laughed. "Yeah. My smosh bestie misses me too. But enough about me lets talk about you." I laughed slightly. "I don't know this car ride is not lit enough we need to turn up. Have anything we can do?" She asked.

"Pass me the aux." I said. They all stared at me with sikent stares. "Spreche ich Kauderwelsch? Pass the fucking Aux!" I yelled. They gave me the aux and I turned on some upbeat jams. "If I turn this on you all have to sing along or I'm turning on some slow jams." I said. They all looked at me confused and I made sure that they were filming.

I Rick rolled everyone and they all groaned. Mari was in the car and she started singing along. "Fuck you! Fuck....you." Sohinki said. "You all love me." I laughed. "Ok but really I'm gonna put on a really great song. I think everyone is gonna love it." I smiled as I went through my music library.

They all yelled at me as 'All star' came on. "This is gonna be fun having the aux." i laughed and then turned on some upbeat music that was more popular. We all sang and along to fergielicious and then we made a pit stop since I had to use the restroom.

I got out and texted Lasercorn to meet me behind the building. I went to the restroom, got a bag of hot cheeto puffs and a monster and went behind there and saw him waiting for me. I walked up and hugged him. "Its been lonely in there without you. I did rick roll them and played all star, but you being there would be more fun." I said. "Yeah I miss you too." He said. He gave me a hug and then a quick kiss before we decided to head back.


We waited around for Lasercorn and Alexis. They were probably getting snacks or something. Lex also said she had to use the restroom so maybe she's doing that. They seem attached at the hip lately though. Although they were like that when they first met a month or so ago.

"Hey is anything going on between Lex and Lasercorn?" I asked Wes. "Uhmm no, I don't think so." He said. "How come?" He asked. "They've just been like together alot lately thought maybe they were a thing." I muttered. I hated to admit it but I liked Alexis. We didn't talk or hang out much but she was cool and I liked being around her.

I hoped he and her weren't dating. They would be cute together but I would like to date her. I probably wouldn't have a shot. She isn't into guys like me. I sighed and waited for them to come out of the store. I looked at my phone as I heard laughing and screaming.

"Lasercorn you piece of shit!" Lex yelled. I looked seeing her chasing him around the parking lot. She was gaining on him and then jumped on his back. By now everyone was staring. "Give me back my cheetos!" She yelled eventually strangling him to the ground.

She grabbed her chips and then muttered, "Fick nicht mit mir Ich bin verrückt." She walked off and waved at everyone with a smile on her face. "What did you say to him?" Mari asked. "I said 'Don't fuck with me. I'm crazy'." She quoted. Everyone laughed. "Did anyone catch that on video?" Lasercorn said finally joining us back. "I did." Courtney laughed.

We got in the cars and I sat next to Lex. We played some road games and Lex taught us some songs that her friend who did Girl Scouts showed her.

"Three little angels all dressed in white
Trying to get to heaven on the end of a kite
But the kite broke and now they all fell
Instead of going to heaven and they all went to...

Two little angels all dressed in white
Trying to get to heaven on the end of a kite
But the kite broke and now they all fell
Instead if going to heaven and they all went to...

One little angel all dressed in white
tryna get to heaven on the end of s kite
But the kite broke and now they all fell
Instead of going to heaven and they all went to...

Don't get excited
Don't lose your head
Instead of going to heaven
They all all went to bed"

"Thats my favorite song she taught me. They didn't go to bed. They all went to hell. We all go to hell." She said. "We should listen to mama by my chemical romance." She said and put it on the speaker. We all listened and joked for the remainder of the ride.

Hehe hello peoples. So we've got ourselves another boy who likes Alexis. These messages are getting shorter and short at the end. Are you ready for my version of Smosh Summer Games! Wild West!!

Destroying everything {Lasercorn}Where stories live. Discover now