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I got off the plane and walked through the airport. I didn't freak out on the plane thanks to Jonah. He helped me through it. I don't think I'll see him again though. I called mom to come and get me and I told her I'd explain everything when she got me.

I saw my mom walk in. I could recognize her brown hair and beautiful smile from a mile away. Yeah lots of people thought brown was boring but my mom was different. I ran to her and gave her a big hug.

"Alexis! Oh are you alright? Whats going on? Are you hurt?" She asked rapidly. "Just head to the hospital now I'll give yoh the address. I'll explain on the way." I told her and we rushed to the car. We got in and I put in the address to the gps.

"What is going on?" My mom said while we waited at a stop light. "Abbey, Ryan, and Miiki all went to a pride parade and there was a attack and they all got hurt and they are at the hospital." I kept it vague. "Oh my god! Do you have anymore information on the situation?" She asked. "I'll text Ryans mom." I said.

I waited a few moments and then she texted back. "She said they haven't gotten any info yet but she will keep me updated." I told my mom. "Ok. So......how is Seth?" She asked. "We broke up. And my brother I'm sure broke his face. He also should be going to jail soon for abuse." I said.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "Yeah. I went on a double date with my friend Lasercorn and Mari and Mari's boyfriend just to help out Mari and he got angry and went all the way to California and nearly choked me to death." I told her. "You know I never liked Seth. He seemed to make you happy so I let you be with him though." She said.

"Yes mom I know. You told me this already." I said. We talked some more about how things were in California with Wes when she brought up Lasercorn. "So who is Lasercorn?" She asked. "Oh Lasercorn is the person I'm closest to at Smosh. He helped me through a panic attack." I said. "Whats he look like?" She asked. I pulled up a picture and showed it to her at another stop light. "Hmm not bad." She said in approval look wise. Not long after that my phone died and my mom doesn't share the same charger as me.

"Yeah he's really nice and funny." I said. "Well he's friends with Wes so if he were to hurt you he'd be in Seths position. Maybe minus the jail time." She said and I giggled. "What makes you think I like him that way?" I asked. "The way you're smiling like a fool while we're talking about him." She said. "Ok fine. He doesn't know though. Only Wes knows." I said. "You told Wes? He's gonna tell people." She said.

"Trust me he won't. Wes is afraid of me. Remember monopoly." I said. "Oh yeah. Ok so maybe he won't." She said. We listened to the radio a little bit until we arrived. I ran inside whike my mom tried to find a parking spot.

"Excuse me what room is Ryan Lobdell is in?" I asked. "Room 233." She told me. I ran to the room not listening to the peoole telling me to slow down and to walk. I arrived outside of the room and saw Ryans mom sitting outside of it on the floor. "I texted you." She said. "My phones dead." I told her sitting next to her.

"Mikki has the least chance of dying but she does have alot of blood loss, Ryan has a high risk of dying and they said Abbey.....she got hit in a vital and by the time she got to them it was too late." She told me. I felt my whole world crash. "Abbey died." I said weakly. "Y-yes." She said and I saw a tear fall down her cheek. I tried to hold them in but as soon as I started going through all of our memories together I started bawling.

I saw my mother walking up to us and when she saw me I knew that she already understood what happened. "Which one?" She asked Mrs. Lobdell. "Abbey." She choked out. In turn my mom nodded and took a seat next to me. She hugged me and started stroking my hair.

"Leave me alone mom." I muttered shrugging her off. She continued to do it. "Stop mom." I said. She didn't stop. She just continued to do it. "FUCK OFF MOM." I yelled pushing her off. I got up and ran off. I didn't know where I was going. I just continued to run until I was out of the building and down the street.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going while i was walking and I ran into some people. The last person catching me because I started falling. "Alexis?" He said. I looked up and saw Jonah. "Hey." I said weakly. "Whats wrong?" He asked going to the side of the sidewalk. "My best friend died." I said. He hugged me and I sobbed into his chest.

"I'm so sorry. I've lost a bunch of friends too. They died in my early teen days. School shooting." He said. "That sucks. Abbey was the person who got me through high school. I would've quit if it weren't for her." I said. "Do you wanna go to the diner down the street. I'll pay." He asked. "Sure I haven't eaten all day." I said.

We walked down the street and went into the little diner. I got a hot chocolate even though it was almost summer. I also got an omelette despit it being almost dinner. I wanted breakfast. We talked alittle bit about the situation and then he paid and walked with me back to the hospital.

I walked up and told him bye and thanking him for everything. I went to Ryans room expecting his mom to be there but she wasn't. My mom was outside still on the floor though. "Hey..." I said walking up.

"You decided to show up finally." My mom said obviously upset. "I'm sorry about earlier I just got frustrated. I didn't want to be consoled." I said. "Its fine. Its more that you weren't here and Ryan went to. He had to go into a surgery to remove the bullets because they were deep inside of his body and it went bad." She said holding back tears. A single tear went down my face.

"Where's his mom?" I asked. "Mikki's room. 260." She told me. I ran and went to the room. She was inside and I came in giving her a big hug. "I'm so sorry about Ryan and I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." The tears flowed out like waterfalls. She hugged back and the doctor continued talking after my little moment.

We found out that Mikki would be ok. They could be discharged the next day actually. I was glad at least one of my friends was going to live. We waited in their room while the doctors and the nurses were gone.

"Where are Ryan and Abbey?" They asked in a slight daze. "Oh um. Their injuries were alot more vital than yours. Abbey was a goner by the time she got here. Ryan died an hour ago. Your injuries weren't as bad. Just some blood loss and head trauma from falling. Other than that they said you're fine." Ryans mom. "Mrs. Lobdell—" "Please call me Marissa." She said. "Marissa, do you have my purse?" They asked.

"Yes it was one thing we got from the crime scene. Do you need something dear?" Marissa asked. "My antidepressants." They said. "I didn't take them today." They said. "Oh of course." Marissa said digging through the purse and getting them out. A nurse walked in and she checked just to make sure that they were alowed to take them. I finally got a phone charger and charged my phone. Wes blew up my phone.

Wes: is everything ok?

Wes: how are they all looking?

Wes: are you ok why aren't you answering.

The rest followed a similar prompt.

Me: Mikki survived their injuries weren't that serious. Ryan got to the hospital and they had to get out some bullets in a surgery and something went wrong and he died. Abbey was a goner by the time she arrived.

Wes: oh my god alexis are you gonna be ok? I know how much they meant to you. You still have Mikki though. Thats good.

Me: they're back on antidepressants.

Wes: oh. Do you kniw if they still harm?

Me: no I don't. I'm not gonna ask either. You're invited to the funeral by the way. Its gonna be next week.

Wes: ok.

We talked a bit and then Marissa drove me to the house and let me stay the night.

I feel really bad for killing most of her friends. Forgive me. But also please I've put this on the last two or three chapters. Comment wacky items for the box of lies chapter I'm doing. Like give me a bunch of things. And I'll use them as either actual items or I'll use them as lies.

Destroying everything {Lasercorn}Where stories live. Discover now