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Yay were at 40 chapters now!! Whoop whoop! Ok story time!

Two weeks later


I'm gonna post the video today. Its almost the end of july and I'm feeling really good. So good I might even be for sure ready to tell everyone me and Lasercorn are dating. But how? I exported the video titling it "what happened between me and Seth" the thumbnail was me making a confused face with a finger on my chin with question marks around it.

As soon as it uploaded I tweeted it a link and posted about it on my Instagram. After all of that I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a black 'Hey arnold!' Shirt with skinny denim jeans and my plain black snap back hat. I put on my old black and white converse. I grabbed my phone and purse and ran downstairs grabbing an apple and ran out of the door.

I hopped in the car with Wes who had probably been waiting on me for a few minutes. We drove off to work and I got out running to find Lasercorn. I found him in the Games room talking to Mari and Sohinki. I walked in and walked up to him. "Hey Lex." Mari smiled at me. "Hey." I smiled back. "Can I talk to you real quick LC?" I asked him. "Uh....I guess." He looked at them and the nodded in approval.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out. I walked to a hall way that was empty. "Whats up?" He asked me smiling slightly. Geez I love his smile. Hell I love him. Woah. I love him. Maybe I'm moving too fast. What if I am? What if he breaks it off because he doesn't love me. What if I don't truly love him and I hurt him in the end because of it. I'm scared. Terrified of hurting him. What do I do?

"Alexis?" He asked. "I-I." Pause holding back my own tears. "I wanna break up." I feel like I heard his heart shatter. I hurt him anyways. But in a different way. Earlier on. I didn't want him to get hurt later in the game. It'd be more painful. "You....wanna...break up?" He looked visibly upset. I nodded trying my hardest to hold back tears. "Why?" He asked about to cry. I could tell.

"I just." I paused trying to form my words. "I just don't know what I'm doing right now. I don't wanna hold you back. I feel like a lost puppy going in big circles. Until I can just figure out what the hell i'm doing anymore I need to cut you loose." I said. "Hopefully you understand. I hope later on we can be together again. For now its just best for me that I'm on my own." I said a tear falling down my face. I feel like a bitch.

He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head. "Its ok. I understand. I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me. I hope that even though we break up that you'll still talk to me and we can still have that friendship. I'm always here." He let go giving me a weak smile. "Thank you LC." I gave him a weak smile back. "I'm gonna go." I said and walked off. I went straight to the bathroom and fixed up my face from crying.

I still looked like I'd been crying my eyes were puffy but my makeup looked fine at least now. I left the bathroom and grabbed my stuff and my brothers car keys and went and laid in the car. After a few minutes of just sitting there crying extremely hard I left and drove around. "Hey Alexis where are you?" My brother called me. "I'm not at work." I said. "Oh are you ok. We were going to film Game Bang but neither you or Lasercorn are anywhere to be seen. Is he with you?" He asked.

"N-no." I stuttered trying to sound ok. "Are you crying? Whats wrong?" He asked. "I broke up with Lasercorn." I let a few tears slip down. "Hold on." He said. There was a long pause and then he came back. "Ok I'm outside. I didn't wanna talk about it in there." He said. "Why?" He asked. "I just. I didn't want to drag him along and accidentally hurt him. I'd never want that." I sighed. "So you purposely hurt him." He said.

"Yes, I was terrified of hurting him unintentionally and there's no way of stopping it if I don't mean to. Doing it on purpose just seemed like the only solution. If I was going to have to hurt him I'd rather me know what I did and know that I did it purposely." I said.

"You never felt this fear before did you? What suddenly brought this up." He asked. I thought back to it. I sighed. "I.....I realized I love him. And I'm scared. Is it to soon to know? What if its not love and I told myself it is and I hurt him later on realizing I don't.  I don't want to hurt him." I started crying softly. "You know yourself enough to know." He said. "I fell in love too quickly with Seth. Or what I though was love at the time and I guess I'm just.....terrified of that happening." I said.

"Trust me Lasercorn would mever hurt you like Seth did. Seth was an ungrateful, abusive, piece of shit who didn't deserve you. If Lasercorn even threatened you in a serious manner I'd probably beat him up." He said. "I know I know. Love just terrifies me now. I just need time." I said. "Ok. What does it mean for you and Lasercorn though. Are you on good or bad terms?" He asked.

"He said that he hoped we could still be friends so I think good terms. I'd like that." I smiled slightly. "Ok. I gotta go. You can drive around and stuff do whatever just be here to pick me up." He told me. "Ok I will. Bye." I said. "Bye." We hung up and I went into a gas station and got a big bag of flaming hot cheetos. I grabbed a big red to drink and two backs of gum.

I got back in the car and sat for a minute. I licked up my phone and called The only other person I knew in the city who didn't work at Smosh. "Hello." He answered. "Hey Damien. Wanna hang out today?" I asked. "Sure I'd love to." He said. We arranged to meet at my house.


I went back inside and looked for Lasercorn. I walked into the games room and he wasn't there. "Did you find Alexis?" Mari asked. "Or Lasercorn?" Sohinki added. "Alexis started feeling sick she went home. I didn't find Lasercorn though. I was just about to ask if you guys had seen him at all." I said and then left. I checked all of the halls and rooms like the board Af room and the show w/ no name.

I checked the bathrooms and started losing hope that I would find him. Maybe he left too. But then I heard quiet sobs. "Lasercorn are you in here?" I asked. "Yeah." He said. "Alexis told me. Are you ok?" I asked him. "No. I'm not." He was crying. "I know its what she wants so I'll live with it." He said. "Open the door." I said.

There was a pause and the stall unlocked. "I'm going to ask you a question and you have to tell me your honest answer the first answer that comes to your head." I said. "What is it." He asked. "Do you love my sister?" I asked. "Yes. Of course I do." He said. I smiled. "Good." I said. "Don't lose faith." I said. "And I won't tell her. I promise." I told him.

"Ok." He said. "Are you good to film game bang?" I asked. "Give me ten and I'll be ready." He said. "Ok." I said and left the bathroom. He loves my sister. I smiled to myself and walked down the hall.

So I made it sad and I don't know why. I just hate everyone and wanted a surprise twist. Lol I the author am a bitch. I love all of you guys and we made it to chapter 40. This and my one shots book is the most successful thing I've ever done. So thanks to all of the people who read this and/or my one shots.

Destroying everything {Lasercorn}Where stories live. Discover now