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Alexis got up early today and made breakfast for everyone. I got up not too long after she got up and she told me to go wake everyone up. I walked in and attempted to wake them up but nobody budged. I sighed and walked downstairs. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "I couldn't wake them up." I said. "What did you do?" She asked.

"I shook a few of them slightly and asked them to wake up." I told her. She groaned. "Have you learned nothing from me?! Ok go upstairs and get ready to yell I'll be up there in a minute." She said. "Oh god." I muttered and went back upstairs.

I stood in the room with Shayne, Courtney, Sohinki, and Olivia in it. They all slept soundly and I saw Alexis walk in with three pots and a spoon. "Alexis are you—" "Yes I am. Take this pot and spoon and on the count of three started banging them against eachother and yelling." She said.

"They're gonna be pissed." I shook my head taking the pot and spoon. "Well i made them breakfast." She defended. "Ok what ever. 1...." I started. "...2....." She said. "3." We said together and we started banging the pots and pans.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" She screamed super loud making most of them jump awake. "Holy shit! What the hell?" Sohinki said super tired and super shooken up. "Wes said he attempted to wake you guys up and he was being nice about it doing the whole 'come on you little sweet babies wake up' thing and I was showing him how you gotta wake people up." Alexis told them.

"Hey you didn't get it too bad. I used to get an air horn and fake Roaches on me." I said. "Don't ask." She said looking at their confused looks. "Lex made breakfast though so you guys can go ahead and eat." I told them. We went to the other rooms and did the same thing.

We went into the room that was Keith, Noah, Ian, and Joe. I saw Keith and Noah snuggled up by eachother asleep. They were cute together. Alexis started banging the pots and pans together and Noah jumped out of the bed and landed on the floor. "Oww....." he groaned.

He looked up in horror when he saw us and the fact that him and Keith were still cuddling when we woke them up. I looked over at Alexis who mouthed 'Don't worry We won't tell' and then looked to me. "Don't tell anyone ok." She whispered to me. I nodded and gave them a quick thumbs up.

"I made breakfast you can go down and eat." Alexis said and walked out. Everyone was downstairs and ate together. After eating we played some games together and then got ready to film for the day. Today was the belly flop challenge.


We sat around the swimming pool as they introduced the game and the scoring system. Everyone went having pretty good flops and the Wes' turn came around. "I didn't make a pun or joke for the game but I did write a rap." He said. I sighed and shook my head. I've heard him rap before and it was......lets just say on a scale of one to ten he got a D.

"My name is Wes I'm from the wild wild Wes and I'm about to get shot in my motherfuckin' chest. Shit!" He messed up. I laughed at him. "My name is Wes I'm from the wild wild Wes and I'm about to get shot in my motherfuckin' chest. Don't be sad it was kinda my bad I robbed a train to try and get fame." And he stopped and turned to Shayne "did I tell you the lines." They talked for a moment and then he went to his phone.

We all went up and started rapping while he looked at his phone. Ian went first and then jt was my turn. "My brothers name is Wes he's from the wild wild west and he didn't get shot in his motherfuckin' chest. Don't ask me why I think its time for goodbye. He bombed his performance and stumbled like J-lawrence." They all 'oohh'd and I continued.

"Lets face it Wes, I'm the best. You just killed your turn, its time to learn! If you think you can rap you better step back or you're gonna kicked in you're little shrimp dick." And everyone went crazy.

"Your sister is literally the best." Mari laughed. "What can I say I was born to roast." I shrugged. He got back up and continued his rap and in total got 16 points. It was my turn a few turns after him and I stood up. "What movie did the girls father play when he found out she had just had sex." I asked. They looked at me confused. "Gone with the virgin!" I said.

I did a little turn and then jumped high spreading arms and legs and then hitting the water. And it hurt like a bitch. I got out of the water and they judged me. "Ok so first is pun." They said. "We were all confused with your pun until you said the last part and frankly it was pretty funny. How long have you been coming up with that?" They asked.

"Its an inside joke with my friends from when we were doing madlibs. Long story short it said gone with the virgin was someone's favorite movie and we laughed about it for awhile." I said. "Well for your pun you got a 6." They said. "Woo!" I cheered. "Ok style. All you did was turn and jump. You did get some height but other than that there was nothing." They said.

"Lies. I spread my wings and glided like a flying mouse." I said and showed my tattoo. "Ok well. That changes everything." They said and shuffled his cards. "Actually no you still get a 4." And I frowned. "And then flop. That was a pretty good flop. It looked like it hurt." And I smiled. "Yes it did. It hurt like a bitch. Like that bitch felt like someone just got some type of paddle and and just hit my stomach with it." I laughed.

"And so you get a 8 for that flop." He said. "Yay!" I cheered. "With a total score of 18." He said. "Yay! I best out my brothers score!" I cheered and went with the others. The rest of the turns went and then we went back to the lodge. I snuck out and got and uber going into town with my wallet and phone. I now wore a tie-dye fall out boy shirt and skinny jeans.

I walked into a music store and looked around. "Looking for anything specific?" A man walked up to me. He had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He wore thick framed glasses on his face and had a cute smile. On his shirt he had a name tag that said 'Nathan'. He seemed nerdy and nice. "I was looking to buy a ukulele." I told him. "Do you play? I don't meet alot of people who want to but ukuleles." He asked.

"Yeah its been awhile though. I'm just in town for about a week and a half maybe." I said. "Well you look like this one would suit you." He said grabbing one from the rack. He handed it to me and I held it in hand. I tuned it slightly and then started playing alittle. "Wow for awhile you're still really good." He laughed slightly.

"Well I also play guitar so." I scratched the back of my neck. "Do you play?" I asked him. "Yeah actually not alot of people come in so I do that on my down time." He said. "Yeah it doesn't seem very busy around here. I live in LA with my brother so I'm used to it being alittle more crowded." I said. "Do you wanna play something?" I asked him.

"Yeah sure." He smiled. "Any requests?" He asked going behind the desk and grabbing his own. "Anything you want." I said. He smiled and looked at my shirt. I saw his eyes light up and he began strumming the notes of a song that was familiar.

When romes in ruins we are the lions
Free of the Coliseums
In poison places we are anti-venoms
We're the beginning of the end

Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds
And its all over now
Before it has begun
We've already won

We are wild We are like young volcanoes
We are wild Americana, exotica,
do you wanna feel alittl beautiful baby
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Come on make it easy
Say I never mattered
Run it up the flag poles

We will teach you
How to make boys next door
Out of assholes

Tonight the foxes hunt the houns
And its all over now
Before it has begun
We've already won


I clapped for him and he smiled. "That was great. You've got a nice voice." I told him. "Yeah. I saw your shirt and decided to do some fall out boy." He said pushing his glasses up. "Yeah thats a really good song. Its one of my personal favorites off of the album." I told him.

I paid for the ukulele and then headed to the convenient store down the block buying marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate for smores. And then I got starbursts, monsters, chips, and some gum. I paid for all of that and then got another uber going back. I had been gone for only an hour and a half. Ready for this night to be epic.

Ok I'm ready for the next chapter which is gonna be great!! Sorry just very pumped. Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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