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"Hey LC!" Alexis shouted from the squad room as I walked by. "Hmm?" I responded walking in. "I found a challenge. Wanna do it with me for my channel?" She asked. "Yeah sure what is it?" I sat down next to her.

"The smoothie challenge." She said. "Oh god. I've done that before and it made Joven throw up." I said. She started laughing. "Will you please do it with me." She gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Ok yeah. I'll do it." I said. Ok we will film this afternoon I'll go get the things." She said.

I nodded and got up. "I'll see you this afternoon." I said and left. I walked into the kitchen and thought for a moment. What the hell did I just do? I don't want to do this. But I already agreed. No getting out of this.

**that afternoon**

I drove to Lex's house and she had bags with numbers on me. "Oh god this is terrifying." I said as I walked in. "Oh! You scared me." She said. "The door was unlocked decided to let myself in." I laughed. "Ok well are you ready to make our great smoothies?" She smiled at me. "No. But I'll do it anyways." I got in front of the camera

She started the camera and she started her intro. "Hey guys! Its Lex here and I'm doing something a little different than usual. I tweeted you guys to send me some suggestions for challenges and I saw that this one was very popular. This is the smoothie challenge. And I am joined here by the almighty Lasercorn." She pointed to me.

"We are gonna puke today!" I smiled. "Ok so we have a choice between four bases and then 20 ingredients. That would be 10 each and thats it so uh lets get into this." She said. She drew a piece of paper and I did to. "2." She said. "4." I read.

"I got....aww fuck. I got orange juice." She frowned. "I got Red Bull." He looked at me. "What I thought it would be interesting. There was also monster." She smiled at me.

We poured the bases in the blenders and started on ingredients. "Ok so we have this bowl of numbers and we have 10 good items and 10 bad items." She explained. "Lets get ready to die." I joked.

We drew our numbers. "13." I said. "5." She said. I found the bag with the item and memtally cried. "Pickles." I looked at the camera. "I fucking hate pickles." I laughed through the pain. "Oh shut up I got mayonnaise." She punched my arm. "Its better that pickles." I said. "We will argue about this later." She said.

"10." She read. "20." I said. We got our numbers. "I got a slice of cake." She laughed. "What?" I asked. "I get a slice of chocolate cake." She smiled. "Its not gonna be good in my smoothie but we can share the rest of it later." She winked at me and I blushed slightly. "I got cinnamon toast crunch." I looked at mine so far. "I hate you." I said to her. "Oh you know you love me." She hit my arm.

"1." I looked for it. "9" she began to look. "Here's yours." We said in unison and handed eachother the item. "I got....you know what fuck you." I laughed. "I got a bunch of barf jelly beans from bean boozeled." I looked at her. "You're eating one of these." I picked one up. "No!" She yelled and ran. "Never!" She ran to the living room. I caught her and pinned her on the ground.

"You are gonna eat this bean." I laughed getting the bean and putting it in her mouth. She squirmed and started gagging. She spit it out and got some water. We got back to the kitchen. "I hate you." She muttered. "Oh I know you love me." I smiled at her. "Fuck!" She yelled. "I got mac n' cheese baby food." She whined. "Karmas a bitch!" I cheered.

"12." She read. "6." I read. "Oh I remeber six. Thats strawberries." She told me. "Oh yay!" I said. "And I have hamsteak. Fuck!" She screamed.

**after putting in the ingredients**

"Ok so I have. Pickles, cinnamon toast crunch, barf beans, strawberries, peas, lemons, chocolate sauce, gravy, cheese wiz, and corn. With a base of red bull. And my evaluation of it says that I'm going to barf." I said. "And I have mayo, a slice of cake, baby food, hamsteak, honey, raspberries, hot dogs, bananas, gummy worms, and peanut butter. With a base of orange juice." She said. "This is gonna be.....interesting." She said.

We started up our blenders and then poured it into a cup. "Eww mines chunky." She said. "Well mine doesn't look like the beans or the corn really blended. I'm actually gonna barf." I said.

"Prost.(Cheers)" She said weakly as we bumped our glasses together. We both looked at eachother and took a drink. Right as I drank it I got the taste of cheese wiz and then a barf bean. It was slightly chopped up and the taste was everywhere. The red bull gave everything a weird flavor and I went to one of the buckets she brought for us.

I threw it up and looked at her. She took the bad path of trying to down it. She got halfway through and her body did not like it. She was at the bucket for a few minutes and I held back her hair.

She set down the bucket and started smiling weakly at the camera. "Well that was great. W-would you like to tell us how you feel." She said. "Oh um well mine was pretty bad. It had pieces of corn and beans floating around and the red bull gave it a strange flavor and everything kinda tasted like red bull." I said.

"Well yours wasn't as bad as mine. I had chunks of hot dog and hamsteak in mine. I already don't like orange juice so that was awful and the baby food and mayo was definitely there. All in all I think we should end our awesome, beautiful, amazing video. And them we can go have some cake." She smiled at me.

"Yes lets eat cake." I said and she went and turned off the camera. "I gotta clean up a bit first though." She said grabbing her camera and taking it upstairs. She came back down and I helped her clean up everything. We went and sat down and shared the cake and watched some modern family. I feel like I'm the closest to Alexis out of everyone and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I left when she went to go edit the video. I saw that a little over and hour later she had posted it. I went on and commented 'I'm never doing a video with you again.' And she replied with 'I doubt that. I'll lure you with cake or something.' I smiled at that and replied 'good point. I'm up for it next time if you have cake.' I played on my phone and then i went to bed a little earlier than normal that day.

Yay!! And update! And not too far from the last one! Are you excited!! Oh. No? Just me? Well ok then. How are you guys?

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