Chapter 48: "Oh the mighty have fallen"

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5 years later Layla showed up back at Hayley's front door and handed her the last ingredient walking into the house she handed it to Hayley who smiled thankfully. Hayley watched as Layla sat with Hope on her lap reading a book. Mary walked up next to her shaking her head. "Layla is still so angry at her family, I can sense it." Hayley commented with a troubled sigh.

"Her anger at her family is a distraction from her pain; I've met very few people like her. Loyal to a fault ready to destroy anything for the ones she trusts. Simply not good people but that doesn't mean they don't try to be good. She goes on about turning her heart to iron or whatever, but a girl like her is dangerous for one very simple reason, they are capable of truly awful things without batting an eyelash of remorse. A girl like her who has lived a thousand years, she seems to carry more tragedy in her soul than her whole family combined." Mary commented troublingly. Hayley sighed nodding her head. Hayley walked up to Layla sitting in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Hayley asked noticing the scrapes and bruises Layla's face held. Her blue eyes drifted up to Hayley coldly and she nodded.

"I'm fine" Layla sighed.

"What's that on your arm?" Hayley asked referring to Layla's new tattoo.

"It's my special mark, Ouroboros; I came across a group of alchemists who restored my original witch power to my new body, as long as I have this tattoo I have my original power, which is much more stronger than what this body was stuck with." Layla commented with a sigh putting Hope down and she giggled running away. Layla then stood up putting her sunglasses on.

"So what? You're like super witch right now?" Hayley asked.

"Something like that." Layla commented stoically she then walked out of the house and got into her car driving off. The next day she got a phone call from Hayley calling her to meet up with the family. She'd gotten the cure. Driving in a minivan not her thing but Hayley ordered her to get it she pulled up with a sigh as the family climbed into the van.

"Sister it's good to see you." Rebekah smiled still oblivious to all that had transpired between Layla and the family.

"Of course it is, I look hot." Layla commented with a smirk as she drove off.

"Layla" Elijah tried but Layla only sent him a glare driving into New Orleans. Layla split from her siblings standing guard keeping track of the people hunting her family. No one knew she was Layla Mikaelson in this body. She then walked into the bar that she got texted about.

"Marcel must have carved out a section to make as his own personal dudgeon." Freya commented so surely.

"Hm or maybe you are an idiot for believing that. Marcel keeps Klaus as a trophy, he'd want easy access and to show him off to anyone who asked to see the suffering hybrid." Layla commented dryly as she poured herself a drink.

"Good luck, break a leg I'll just be on my way." Josh sighed walking past them only to be stopped.

"So you can rat us out to Marcel?" Kol quipped.

"Snap his neck he'll be done by the time he wakes." Freya sighed wanting to hurry up and get Klaus.

"And if he wakes before that?" Elijah asked.

"Then kill him." Kol suggested.

"I'm right here" Josh pointed out.

"We're not killing him." Hayley put her foot down.

"For some reason he is of value to Marcel, Kol would you?" Elijah asked.

"Happy to stay here and eviscerate anyone who tries to follow you." Kol triumphantly agreed.

"Let's go we're wasting time." Freya hurried then walking out to the tunnels and Layla followed after Elijah.

"Niklaus" Elijah called as they had finally made it through the tunnels. Layla gestured her hands to the lock causing it to disappear and she opened the door walking forward.

"Oh the mighty have fallen." Layla chuckled as Freya put her hands on the boundary. "Oh Freya still so much about magic you do not know." Layla chuckled amused. She placed her hand on it as a small projection was fired out causing everyone to cover their ears. Her banshee projection had shattered the spell and her siblings and Hayley walked over to Klaus. Layla kept her eyes trained on the happy reunion her face remaining impassive. They then got up running off down the tunnels quickly. Klaus walked behind standing next to Layla.

"I assume you have grieved?" Klaus asked hopefully.

"I have grieved but I have not forgiven, but thank you for saving what is left of our-your family." Layla corrected herself. As they finally got out of the tunnels and ran near her car.

"Actually I'm right here." Marcel replied to Hayley standing in front of them. "You shouldn't have come back, none of you, I don't even know who you are but you should stay away from this family." Marcel pointedly said looking to Layla who smirked.

"I'm Layla Mikaelson." She introduced herself. "Family is family and no matter the squabbles we fight for each other." Layla informed him coldly.

"I heard but that didn't work out for me did it?" Marcel spat.

"Oh for God sake you were never a Mikaelson get over it." Kol spat fed up with Marcel. "Don't you have a city to run? Vampires to boot out of town?"

"If you want to kill one of us you have to kill us all." Rebekah spat.

"Speak for yourself I'm not dying for you." Layla commented looking around.

"Let's end this once and for all." Rebekah glared at Marcel after casting Layla a confused glance.

"That's enough! That's enough Marcel, you've won. New Orleans was our city once, now it's yours, for good." Klaus tried to be the peacemaker not wanting his family he just got back to be casualties.

"Is the great Klaus Mikaelson accepting defeat, or is this all just another distraction?" Marcel inquired sneering.

"Neither. In fact, despite your appalling behaviour I am offering you a chance at peace. Attempt to kill us all, and you would be making a mistake. Any who survived would no doubt return to seek revenge, bringing our enemies back to your city in our wake and even if you did manage to eliminate us all, one day my daughter would come for you. And her daughter after that. On and on for all your days, an endless cycle of violence you would bring upon yourself or, or we leave and we never come back." Klaus sighed trying to reason with him in his logic.

"After all that time buried in a hole, you still got some nerve. You know you stand there with a straight face and try to sell this like it's your choice. But here's the truth, I could kill all of you right now and tonight I would sleep like a baby. Hell that's what you would do. You've destroyed more people, taken more lives, ended more families than anyone who's ever lived. All because you can. But here's the other truth, despite being raised by you people, I am nothing like any of you. In fact, I'm proud as hell I'm not a Mikaelson. I beat you all, without turning into you and now you can live the rest of your lives knowing that the only reason that you exist, is because I am showing you mercy. Now go and don't ever come back" Marcel agreed letting them go. Layla turned casting him a glance feeling something dark on the horizon. She got into her car and she drove with everyone in the car to Hayley's house.

Rebekah sat next to Layla who was sitting on the porch curled up. "What happened with you and everyone?" Rebekah demanded to know. Layla waved her hand showing the past 6 years of her life and Rebekah looked at her with shock and pity.

"Don't feel bad for me, I've worked through my pain and it's made me stronger." Layla assured Rebekah with a cold stony expression.

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