Chapter 55: "We fight and we kill, but I've done far worse"

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"Rebekah and Kol just landed, I assured them we are mere moments from returning our brother back to life. Don't make me a liar." Klaus called out as Layla and Freya were working on the spell and Layla snapped her gaze to Klaus.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Layla resentfully spat returning to the preparations.

"We can't resurrect Elijah until we are certain his mind is whole." Freya pointed out to Klaus.

"For us to do that we have to go into his mind, into the pendant and try and find him." Layla explained to Klaus.

"You saved Finn with that very trinket what's the problem?" Klaus almost shouted.

"When that pendant shattered Elijah's mind shattered with it. He's most likely retreated to the innermost core of his consciousness." Freya shouted back at Klaus.

"How do we find that?" Hayley asked.

"I don't know it could be anywhere in over a thousand years of memories." Freya rushed in the preparations as Layla ushered Klaus backwards and began pouring things on the ground in the shape of a symbol.

"If we fix the pendent before fixing Elijah, we run the risk of losing both." Layla continued on for Freya.

"Spare me the medical analogies and fix him." Klaus shouted frustrated.

"He's not a broken toy we can't just get some glue and put him back together now either shut up or get out you are throwing off my concentration Niklaus." Layla spat meeting his challenging gaze. Klaus was about to shout something back when he noticed the deadly gleam in her eyes. He hadn't seen that look since she first got out of the box from a 500 year slumber. It was pure rage and frustration and desperation. Klaus nodded turning around and walking out Layla then looked to Hayley. "Are you going to be a problem as well?"

"No" Hayley shook her head and Layla nodded preparing the symbols. Once Layla was done she walked up to Freya with a sigh.

"Do you want to go in or shall I do the honours?" Layla asked looking down at the crushed pendant.

"You've known him for 1000 years do you think you know where he might be hiding?" Freya asked.

"We were raised with a violent father and those qualities didn't stray too far from where Mikael dropped the apples. As much as I would hate to admit I have a couple ideas where he could be hiding." Layla shrugged when Hayley walked up to them.

"Are you sure you can pull it off?" Hayley asked making Layla roll her eyes annoyed by Elijah's lover.

"I don't know I've never actually tried this before." Freya then brushed past Hayley getting things ready.

"Freya, Layla there are a thousand years of memories in there how will you know which is the right one?" Hayley demanded to know.

"Because I know who Elijah is. I've known him for 1000 years, now while he won't recognise my face he will recognise my magical imprint. When I got in our soul transforms us into our original form. I have a vampire soul Hayley so he will recognise me. And with Freya going in we'll find each other faster. No matter what he's clinging to we will find him. Now we have to hurry." Layla's voice rung through the room as she stepped inside of the circle and went to sit down. Freya then laid down next to her sister and the two started chanting. Layla looked around amazed as the clean white doors. Stepping forward Layla's hand brushed over the wall not a spek of dirt to be seen. "I wonder if this is what my mind looks like." Layla thought out loud and Freya glanced over at her with a raised eyebrow.

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