Talking to Niall About a Baby

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Your POV:

Niall had been on tour for a few months and even though you had visited him a few times you were really missing him. You and Niall had gotten married two years ago and had always known you would want to have children but between your busy schedule and him going on tour you never had time to really talk about it. Today you had done an interview and it had come up. People always asked you when you and Niall would have children and you both did but you had never seriously discussed it. Tonight you and him were skyping and you were going to bring up the idea to him. You sat down on the couch and opened your laptop waiting for his call. As you heard the skype ringing you felt your excitement build.

"Hi Princess!" You heard his voice as the screen of his face popped up.

"Hi baby, how's it going?" You said as your smile grew at the sight of his face

"Good, I miss you though! How is the tour going?"

"I miss you too. The tour is going really well but I can't wait to be home in a few weeks" You had been waiting since he left for him to come home and now that it was only 3 weeks away you were anxious to see him.

"Princess what is it?" Niall asked as your smile turned to a frown as you thought about how much you wanted to have a baby but you knew with Niall going back on tour in 5 months it wouldn't work.

"Nothing, Ni. How are the other guys doing?" You asked trying to change the subject

"Y/N whats wrong? I can tell you have something you want to say"

"It's just-- We have been married now for 2 years and we always talked about it but with you being on tour we are never going to get a chance to have a baby. During my interview today they kept bringing it up 'So do you think you and Niall will have kids soon?', 'Will Theo have any cousins soon?' they just kept on bringing it up" You said as you felt a tear in the corner of your eye.

"Don't cry princess, you know I want to have a baby and we will but right now we are so busy with the tour and your schedule but I promise when I get home we will work on it ...okay?" he said with a cheeky wink instantly cheering you up.

"Okay babe, I'll talk to you tomorrow" You said as you wiped your eye.

"I love you princess, so much and all I want is for you to be happy. You know I want a baby too so when I get home we will make it happen" He said as his blue eyes met your through the screen

"Love you too Niall, talk to you tomorrow" You said as you exited the chat.

After sitting there for a few minutes after your and Niall's chat and you realized how much you missed him. You were going to find a way to suprise him.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now