Your First Ultrasound

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Your POV:

You had made an appointment with the doctor Denise had recommended and you and Niall were so excited to see the baby for the first time. You were waiting in the doctors office with Niall for the doctor to come in. A nurse had instructed you to lie back and lift your shirt. You were laying on the table with Niall sitting in the chair holding your hand. 

"You okay princess?" Niall asked you, noticing the worried look on your face.

"I'm just nervous, I can't wait to see the baby" You said as you looked over to him.

"Me neither, but don't be nervous love, everything will be fine..." he said pressing a kiss to your temple."I mean unless he has 2 heads..." He said jokingly and you swatted his arm. 

"Not funny Niall" You said seriously. Before he could say anything else the doctor walked in. 

"Hi, I'm Dr. Bell, nice to meet your Mr. and Mrs. Horan" She said as she extended her hand to shake yours and Nialls. 

"Nice to meet you" You said as she picked up a tube of gel. "Are you ready to see the baby?"

"We can't wait" Niall said as he gently squeezed your hand. 

"This is going to be a little cold" she said as she squirted the gel onto your stomach. After she took a moment to move the wand over your stomach you heard a heartbeat.

"Theres the heartbeat" the doctor said as she continued to move the wand across your stomach.

"And there is the head!" She said as you and Niall's eyes stuck to the tiny screen. 

"Theres our baby" Niall said, you looked over and saw his eyes begin to water. "How does it look?" Niall asked the doctor, continuing to keep his eyes glued to the screen.

"The baby looks great for its size, it appears to be about 7 weeks along. We can't tell the sex yet until about 13 weeks so when you come back in 5 weeks we can look to see."

"Wow, thats amazing." You said as you leaned over and kissed Niall. 

"Would you like me to print out a photo?" The doctor asked as she removed the wand from your stomach and wiped off the remaining gel. 

"Yes please" You said as you pulled away from Niall. The doctor stepped out for a moment and returned with two small photos of the baby.

"Niall look" You said as you handed him the photo and pointed in the upper left hand corner. "It says 'Baby Horan' Ni" You tore your eyes from the photo and looked at him. 

"Our little Baby Horan" Niall said before kissing your lips again. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now