Finding Out That Your Pregnant

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Your POV:

Niall was coming home in a few days and you felt lonely so you were spending the day with Denise and Theo while Greg was at work. You were an only child and when you and Niall began dating Denise and Greg became like big siblings to you. They always joked if you and Niall split up they would pick you. 

"Aunt Y/N! Look at my new toy!" Theo said as he ran into the kitchen, where you and Denise were sitting with a cup of tea, holding a toy truck in his hand.

"Hey there buddy!" You said as he ran over to you and hugged you before sitting down on the chair next to you.

"Now that Theo is here why don't we have lunch?" Denise said as she stood up and walked over to the fridge. "I made some sandwhiches" She said as she set the tray on the table in front of you. As you smelled the sandwhiches you instantly felt a wave of nausea. 

"Y/N, you okay?" Denise said worriedly as she placed a hand on your shoulder. You quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom. As soon as you got to the bathroom you got sick in the toilet. When you finally felt relief you lifted yourself from the floor and walked over to the sink before splashing water over your face. 

"Y/N, can I come in?" You heard Denise's voice as she stepped into the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm okay now"

"Do you think your sick?" She said as wet a washcloth and pressed it to your heated cheek.

"I don't know, I have been really tired lately and..." You stopped when you realized. Your period was a week late.

"Sweetie, what is it?" She said as she continued to place the cloth on your face, cooling you down. "Are you...?" Denise dropped her hand and looked at you worriedly.

"I don't know" You said nervously

"Well have you and Niall, I know he has been on tour but you visited him a couple weeks back didn't you?"

"I surprised him in New York and we..." Your eyes went wide when you realized. 

"I think I have a pregnancy test in my bathroom, I'll be back" Denise said as she patted your shoulder and walked out. She brought you back in the box and you began to follow the instructions. After you finished you heard Denise knocking. 

"Well...?" She said as she walked over and sat down next to you on the edge of the counter. 

"I have to wait" you said to her as you set the stick down on the counter and she nodded. 3 minutes  later you picked it up. You looked at the stick to reveal a small plus sign. 

"Oh my god" You said as you dropped the stick on the ground

"Your pregnant?" Denise said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around in a tight hug. "We have to call Niall!" 

"No, not yet. What if he isn't happy about it? We talked about it but we thought we would wait until he was back from tour" 

"Y/N, he will be thrilled. The way he looks at you when you play with Theo...believe me, he wants this just as much as you do" She said as she placed her hands on your shoulders and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 

"What would I do without you?" You said as you hugged eachother. 

"Now we have to find an adorable way to tell Niall!" Denise said as she smiled up at you. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now