Morning Sickness

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Your POV:

You were getting ready to go out for the day with Niall in your bedroom when you felt overcome with nausea. You figured it was nerves so you brushed it off when it hit you again you rushed to the bathroom and emptied your stomach into the toilet. 

"Princess? Are you almost ready?" You heard Niall yell up to it but before you could answer you got sick into the toilet again. 

"Y/N?" He said again as he walked into the bathroom. "Oh princess!" He said as he rushed to your side and began rubbing your back. "You should have called me, I could have helped you" He said as he stepped away from you and returning with a damp washcloth. 

"I didn't even get a chance, it hit me so suddenly" You said as you leaned against the wall and he pressed the towel against your forehead.

"You okay now?" He said as continued to rub your back.

"I think so" as you breathed a sigh of relief and leaned back again.

"Is the little baby Horan making mummy sick?" Niall said as he pressed a hand to your stomach. 

"Yes it is" You said as you felt a tear well up in your eye. "I don't know if I can do this, for 9 months!" You said as you began to sob.

"You can do this princess, I will be with you the entire time" Niall wiped the tear that had fallen onto your cheek. "We love eyou but we would love you even more if you didn't make mummy so sick" Niall lifted your shirt and pressed a kiss to your stomach.

"Well as long as I have you I think I can do this" You said as Niall's adorableness made you feel better.

"You have me, for everything you need princess" He said as he wrapped his arms around you. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now