Telling the Other Guys

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Your POV:

Tonight you and Niall were going over to Zayn and Perrie's house for dinner.  When you and Niall began dating you and Perrie became best friends and you had called and told her the good news but she hadn't told anyone. You were sitting at the table between Niall and Eleanor. When Perrie served drinks she had given you apple juice instead of wine so no one would know you were pregnant. While talking to Perrie you noticed out of the corner of your eye Eleanor had picked up your glass by mistake and you quickly realized she would notice it wasnt wine. 

"Wait Eleanor!" You said as she put the glass to her lips, you were too late.

"Oh sorry! I thought that was my glass, my mistake" She said as she put the glass down. "Wait, is that apple juice?...." Your face instantly blushed and everyones heads turned to you and Niall.

"I--uh, well..." You said as you turned to Niall for help.

"Just tell them love, if your okay with it" He whispered to you as he gently squeezed your hand he was holding. 

"I'm--I'm pregnant!" You smiled to everyone hoping for a positive response.

"Oh my goodness! Congratulations!" Eleanor said as she jumped from her seat to hug you. 

"Congratulations mate, thats great news" Louis walked over and patted Niall's shoulder.

"Congratulations Y/N, So happy for you both" Sophia said as she walked over and hugged you.

"Thank you all, we were going to tell you but we just wanted to find the right time" Niall said as everyone sat back down. 

"Sorry Y/N, Didn't mean to ambush you like that" Eleanor said as she placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"Don't worry about it, were just happy to tell you all" You said as you looked around to everyone's smiles. 

"To Baby Horan!" Perrie said as she raised her glass. 

"To Baby Horan!" Everyone exclaimed as they raised their glasses to Perries.

"Our Baby Horan" Niall whispered in your ear. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now