Final Preparation

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Your POV:

"It looks great in here Ni" You said as you stood in the doorway to the nursery and watched Niall hanging a decoration on the wall.

"You think so? I hope our little princess likes it" You walked over to stand next to him by the dresser filled with everything you had bought for the baby. 

"She will love it Niall" You said as he wrapped his arms around you. "And I love it".

"I'm happy you like it princess." He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Oh, we forgot something". Niall walked over to the shopping bags in the corner of the room filled with gifts from your friends and family from the shower. 

"We did? I'm pretty sure we have everything already" You said as you looked around the room to see a very full and perfectly decorated nursery. 

"This" He pulled a photo frame with a spot for each year, the first box had the photo of you and him in front of the christmas tree, out of one of the shopping bags. 

"Niall, this is the photo of us you put on the christmas tree" You said as you felt a tear in your eye. 

"I bought this the other day. It has a spot for a picture of her for every year" He handed you the frame and you looked over the light pink outline with 'Regan Brooke' written in white along with top. 

"Oh Ni, this is adorable" You said as you set the frame down and hugged him. "We should hang it over the dresser".

"I think thats a perfect spot for it." Niall picked up the hammer and nail he had been using to hang the decorations and adjusted the frame over the dresser.

"Is that good princess?" He said as he stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your belly.

"Perfect" You said as you turned to place a kiss to his cheek.

"Just like my two girls" He leaned in and kissed you. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now