On Tour- Part 2: His POV

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His POV:

It had only been 2 and a half weeks since I left Y/N but I missed her so much. Even though I had been away from her for longer than that it was different now that she was pregnant. Today was the first day of the tour we had no concerts or interviews and we were spending some time by the pool at the hotel. The other guys were in the pool while I layed in one of the chairs on the phone with Y/N. I loved hearing her voice and listening to her tell me how Regan was growing. It killed me that I missed the last ultrasound but my mom and Denise went with her so she wouldn't be alone. 

"Niall, whats wrong mate?" Louis said as he made his way over to me and sat in the chair next to mine. 

"Nothing, Lou" I said as I checked my phone again for another text from her. 

"Mate, I can tell somethings wrong. Is this about Y/N? I'm sure she is fine, Eleanor and her spent time together the other day and El said they had a great time." 

"I just miss her so much mate. She has been working so hard to get ready for the baby and I'm missing it. This morning I missed an ultrasound and I love getting to see the baby. When I talked to her the other day she started crying an I felt so bad." 

"I get it Ni. Remember last year when we went to New York City for the Today Show and I had to leave Eleanor? And she was almost 7 months pregnant. I know its tough but we are going home in less than a week and you will see her soon." Louis said as he patted my shoulder. "Mate, you aren't going to be happy until you know she is okay. I left my laptop in my hotel room go take it and skype her and then come back here so we can all hang out together" Louis said as he stood up. 

"Thanks mate, your a great friend." I said before standing up and heading to the hotel room to call her.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now